

02月28日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[急求建设银行面试自我介绍中文英文]自我介绍-面试问题现在-将来-过去包括工作模式、优点、 技能,突出成就、专业知识、学术背景等。 但有一点必须紧记:话题所到之处,必须突出自己对该公司做出的贡献,如增加营业额...+阅读


电影英文名You've Got Mail Plot summary(剧情介绍) Kathleen Kelly (Meg Ryan) is involved with Frank Navasky (Greg Kinnear). While Frank, a newspaper writer for the New York Observer, is devoted to his typewriter, Kathleen prefers her laptop and logging into her AOL e-mail account. There, using the avatar "Shopgirl", Kathleen communicates with "NY152". This is the avatar for Joe Fox (Tom Hanks). Joe belongs to the Fox family which runs Fox Books — a chain of "mega" bookstores like Borders or Barnes & Noble. Kathleen, on the other hand, runs the independent bookstore The Shop Around The Corner, that her mother ran before her. The central conflict of the film revolves around the ability of Kathleen and Joe to interact well in virtual reality while they are business competitors in the "real world." A persistent mode of dramatic irony appears when Kathleen and Joe read each other's emails.The movie begins with Kathleen logging on to her AOL account to read an email from "NY152" (Joe). In her reading of the e-mail, she reveals the boundaries of the online relationship; no specifics. The two then pass themselves on their respective ways to work, unbeknownst to each other. Joe arrives at work, overseeing the opening of a new Fox Books in New York with the help of his friend and assistant Kevin (Dave Chappelle). Meanwhile, Kathleen and her three store assistants, George (Steve Zahn), Birdie (Jean Stapleton), and Christina (Heather Burns) open up shop.Following a day on the town with his eleven-year-old aunt Annabel and four-year-old brother Matthew (the children of his grandfather and father, respectively), Joe enters Kathleen's store to let his younger relatives experience storytime. The two have a friendly conversation that reveals Kathleen's fears about the Fox Books store opening around the corner, shocking Joe. He introduces himself as "Joe. Just call me Joe", omitting his last name of Fox and makes an abrupt exit with the children. However, at a publishing party later in the week, Joe and Kathleen meet again, both of them being in the "book business", where Kathleen discovers Joe's true identity.All the while, "NY152" and "Shopgirl" continue their courtship, to the point where "NY152" asks "Shopgirl" to meet. Too embarrassed to go alone, Joe brings Kevin along for moral support. He insists that "Shopgirl" may be the love of his life. Meanwhile Kevin, looking in a cafe window at the behest of Joe, discovers the true identity of "Shopgirl". When Joe discovers that it is actually Kathleen behind the name, he confronts her as Joe (concealing his "NY152" alter ego). The two exchange words and leaves the cafe hurt.Following invitations from Frank and Joe via "NY152", Kathleen begins a media war, including both a boycott of Fox Books and an interview on the local news. Despite all efforts, The Shop Around the Corner slowly goes under. In a somber moment Kathleen enters Fox Books to discover the true nature of the store is one of friendliness and relaxation, yet not as personal as her independent shop. Eventually, the employees move on to other jobs as Christina goes job hunting, George gets a job at the children's department at a Fox Books store (Joe later compares George's knowledge to a PhD) and a gleeful Birdie retires off the riches of her investments: "I bought Intel at six!" Allowing time for their electronic relationship to convalesce, Joe visits Kathleen while she is sick, and for the first time makes a favorable impression. Joe discovers that Kathleen has broken up with Frank, who moved in with a talk show host that interviewed him, predated one week by Joe and his uptight girlfriend, Patricia (Parker Posey), who broke up in their apartment building while stuck in the elevator. The two develop a tentative friendship that blossoms over the course of a few weeks and they eventually fall for one another.At the same time, "NY152" and "Shopgirl" agree to meet one more time. Joe and his dog Brinkley (the topic of numerous e-mails) meet Kathleen at Riverside Park. The two kiss as Kathleen cries and Over the Rainbow takes the movie out.

谁帮我写个电子情书的英文影评 150250字

街角的幸福 这是我最爱的电影之一,看了很多遍,特别是心情不好的时候看了心里暖暖的,虽然这部电影里没有太多所谓的技术含量,或者经典的配乐,但是我仍然把它看作一部不可多得的好电影,因为它能够带给我们感动和希望,还有相信爱情的信仰,幸福就像是白开水,平淡但是不可或缺,喜欢梅格瑞恩和汤姆汉克斯的黄金搭配,喜欢里面的街角书店,喜欢提到的《傲慢与偏见》,喜欢这种浪漫温馨的感觉 This is one of my favorite movies, seen a lot of times, especially when seen in a bad mood was warm, although the film did not too many so-called technical content, or classical music, but I still a rare look at it as a good film, because it can be touched and brought us hope, but also believe that the faith of love, happiness is like water, plain, but indispensable, like Meg Ryan and Tom Han Fox with gold, like the inside of the corner bookstore, like the reference to "Pride and Prejudice", like the romantic feel


看这部片子一个很重要的原因是因为男主角是汉克斯,我喜欢他,从看《阿甘正传》就开始了,而前一段时间看的《幸福终点站》,更是让我在被剧情感动的同时,对汉克斯的演技佩服的五体投地!这部《电子情书》再次让我领略了汉克斯的魅力! 现今的世界已进入了网络时代,人与人之间的交流更加的快捷、方便,剧中的男女主角就是相识在网络上,他们互相发送电子邮件,诉说心曲。那种方式看来是没有我们今天的QQ方便,不过我觉得那更有另一番情趣! 影片一开始,两个人都是在男(女)友出门后,迫不及待地打开电脑,查看自己的电子邮件,那种急切的心情,就像个贪吃的孩子,等父母出门以后,悄悄地打开饼干筒偷糖吃一样,又像恋爱中的少女,按捺住跳动的心,急急地撕开恋人的来信! 在网络上,他们无话不谈,互相诉说自己的烦恼,自己的开心。

我总认为,人们在网络上更容易敞开自己的心扉,当然前提是2个人互相吸引。虽然互相看不见对方,可是心的交流却能让彼此心灵相通,真切地感受到对方的存在!那种知心的感觉,我以为在现实中也未必能得到! 片中有几个细节让我印象特别的深,一个是当男女主人公得知他们是现实中的竞争对手时,(当然还不知道网络上的关系),两人在大街上、超市里,互相躲避,像躲猫猫的小孩儿一样,汉克斯的憨态,梅格瑞恩的俏皮,真是让我乐不可支。超市里付款那一段,梅格瑞恩的气恼和无奈,汉克斯的窃笑和得意,让我笑出了声来! 当他们真的决定走出网络,在现实中见面时,那份期待,那种心跳,那种心神不定,被两位演员演绎的出神入化!汉克斯在约定见面的咖啡店外激动的不知所云,不敢自己去看心仪的女孩儿什么模样,却让朋友去帮自己看,当得知对方竟然是自己生意上的对手时,心里的那种矛盾难以言表,不敢说出真情,挨骂以后黯然离去,那份失落让我有种心痛的感觉! 梅格瑞恩的书店终于关门了,而两人在现实中的关系反而有所好转!他们仍然在网络上互发电子邮件,只不过汉克斯在明处,梅格瑞恩在暗处了,汉克斯一会儿在现实中为梅格瑞恩提出良好的建议,一会儿在网络中为她出谋划策,那份良苦用心让我好生感动! 时机成熟时,他们终于决定再次见面,见面之前,汉克斯问梅格瑞恩:“你能原谅放你鸽子的人,为什么不能原谅我呢?如果没有生意上的竞争关系,我们一定会在一起的!”那一刻,她的心里充满了矛盾,可是她仍然舍不下网络上的那个他!她回家换上漂亮的衣服,来到约定见面的地方,充满期待地四处张望,当眼前出现的人是汉克斯时,她的眼里先7a686964616fe58685e5aeb931333264656135是惊喜,而后就是那种如释重负的感动!她对他说:“刚才,我真的希望那就是你!”泪水盈满了她的眼眶,当两人热情相拥相吻时,我发现,自己的眼泪也开始滑落! 真是好美的爱情,无论在现实中,还是网络上,只要是真心付出,都会是那么的美,不是么?


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