

02月28日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[用英语写求职信]求职信是沟通求职者和用人单位之间的桥梁。通过一定的沟通,在相互认识、交流的基础上,实现相互的交往,是求职信的基本功能。 用英语写求职信范文篇一 Dear Mr. Cendish, I saw y...+阅读


This year I am 21 years old, studying at the School of Economics法商Hubei Institute. Science is the business management. I am an optimistic, progressive, open character of the girls. The new things have a strong adaptability. In school, I'm strict requirements, competency-based training. Practice practical ability is my strength. I work at ease, seriously, with market analysis and sales experience, and most work and team spirit. Have good communication skills and the skills to deal with the matter.During the summer of up to the company in Dongguan internship, planned and organized a series of promotional activities, and achieve better results. Thank you for taking the time out, let me have the opportunity to display their own....


Distinguished sets personnel managers you :

I am a soon to be university graduates in the recruitment of personnel to see your online recruitment company MDP participants information, I am very confident your company can perform the job requirements, since I have a very long love of the retail industry and aspiring to become a competitive retail talent, and have done a lot of efforts.

I was a university undergraduate-and is majoring in professional business management. The retail business is a need for extensive knowledge of the area, while working for the love of the retail industry, I spent a lot of time in the retail knowledge and information collection. Made outstanding achievements in professional course I realize the importance of social practice, the University participated in many social activities during and achieved certain results. As a fresh graduate, the social practice of retail experience and knowledge is not too much, so I would like to start from the bottom, trying to understand every aspect of the retail industry, the accumulated knowledge of the efforts to improve corporate performance.

Carrefour is the world's most brand value and one of the most influential retail enterprise, I always look forward to the opportunity to join your company. Choice sets as a starting point for my job is my carefully considered. I sincerely hope that you will consider my service requests and hoping to receive your interview notice. Enclosing herewith a curriculum vitae in English


Cher monsieur: je viens vous publicitaire entreprises ont été informés de la vente. J'espère que vous y réfléchir.

Je m'appelle Mike Oldfield, 23 ans, est actuellement à beijing, 韭同虹辉喔禾呼痛槐腊à des établissements d'enseignement professionnel et technique du nord diplômés l'été dernier. Mon anglais de l'anglais pour la catégorie B, la capacité en matière d'application des concours à toute confiance. Dans le passé, il a été fait dans la bande numérique informatique. 2 mois.

Mon département les réalisations. En outre, je l'aime beaucoup et je crois que le bureau compétent. Je peux Si je peux aient accès à ce travail, je serai très reconnaissants.

Vous remercier d'avoir pris en compte. Je vous fais tenir cijoint la notice personnelle. Attend avec intérêt votre réponse


Leadership of respectingHow do you do!I write this letter to accept appointment graphic designer's post of the job advertisement of your company.I know ° from job advertisement website your job advertisement advertisements very happily, and have been expecting to have opportunity to become number of your company.I graduate from Guangzhou to take turns before one and half years the Yu occupation technical college showbiz animation profession, learned much professional knowledge during the period of school, such as advertisement design, showbiz advertisement, animation creation, English waits a course.After graduating, Be assumed office to a foreign trade company, be engaged in a flat surface design, the product packs a designing.In the process, own design water reviewed to have a very great exaltation, and had certain knowledge towards printing each aspect also.Afterwards because the company moved, I arrived a mainly is the company that designs hand bag.Mainly be responsible for an advertisement, flat surface poster, mourn the design of card.When the design together prints to get a remarkable progress, also raised own each aspect to deal with affairs ability.Hoping now can to have the company of development potential the development, use own technique service your company, embodiment individual higher value!Personal resume and related material along together enclose with and hope that you can feel the emollient competitor whom I am the post,


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用英语写请假条Dear teacher I'm wangjing.yesterday i went to farm to help farmer pick apples with my classmates.But i fell down from a ladder.My legs hurt ,but it's not seriou...

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请帮忙翻译英语求职信Cher monsieur: je viens vous publicitaire entreprises ont été informés de la vente. J'espère que vous y réfléchir. Je m'appelle Mike Oldfield, 23 ans, est...

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请高手帮忙翻译为英文求职信谢谢!I recently learned that your company in the Internet business is to recruit staff, special Please send curriculum vitae, as appropriate. For a recently graduate...

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