[写给亲人的一封信要350字急急急!]敬爱的爸爸妈妈: 您好!在生活中我有许多话想对您说,但每当看见你那憔悴的身躯;慈祥的脸颊;粗糙的双手。我都不想占用您那宝贵而又短暂的时间,所以我打算用这种方式来与您沟通。 现...+阅读
English teacher wanted
Are you a teacher? Can you speak English? Can you write English?
Can you teach English well? Are you good with kids?
Then you can be an English teacher in my house.
Please call Mr. zhang at 555-3699.
你是老师吗?你会讲英语吗? 你能写英语吗?
Hello, everyone, my name is Zhongxue. I am a sophermore in Sichuang Agricultural University. Today, I am very glad to be here for the interview, and I really want to be a member of your center. My English is good, but if you want to know if I passed CET, I am sorry to tell you that I haven't passed CET4 yet, because we can not have the test till the end of the next term. I like children very much, and I want to make friends with them and teaching them English as well as being a good person. This is an important reason I came here to apply for the job. Of course, money is another reason, cause I want to share the pressure of my parents
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给老师的英语生日祝福语急!1.Send this special birthday wish just to let you know that you'll always be remembered for the thoughtfulness you show. 献上这特别的生日祝愿,只想让您知道: 因为您...
英语作文急!急!急!题目是这样的一所学校要招聘一英语老师English teacher wanted Are you a teacher? Can you speak English? Can you write English? Can you teach English well? Are you good with kids? Then you can be an E...
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