

04月05日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[谁能给我一个关于教师节的情景剧剧本]感恩的心(修改本) 李家华 10-06 校园相声我的大学生活 佚名 08-24 <&lt;相亲相爱>&gt; 佚名 08-24 小品剧本《我的“妈妈”》 佚名 08-23 母子情深 佚名 08-23 相声 《老师的毛...+阅读


每年的12月25日,我都会来到一个“神秘而充满魔幻”的地方,(啥地方?领导不允许说,不外乎就是个更衣室呗!)拿上道具,变出一个大麻包袋,于是,在这个夜晚,我要开始行动了…… ——题记 我是一个很普通的男孩,不过我为了能有一点点的零用钱,私底下还赚些外快——12月25日那天,我会变身成……圣诞老人!当圣诞老人可赚钱了,虽然一年只用工作一天,不过我作为中国的圣诞老人,任务就重多喽,还不止工作一晚上,要工作一天呢!所以无奈,我一整天都必须来来回回跑,骑的车就是“光速10000”,上课时间除外,你说领导不给多点工资我还会干吗?送一份礼物——***元哪(我一天大概只能送几万人左右,不管多少,也发啦)! ——12月25日圣诞节 7点整—— 屋外气温低到了零下几十度,大雪飞扬,雪儿把整个城市的路盖得片甲不露。

“丁零零,圣诞老人上班啦!丁零零,圣诞老人上班啦!” 一阵闹铃声过后,我摸模糊糊从床上爬起来:“哎,上班喽,必须快点行动!”于是,我就又来到了那个“神秘而充满魔幻”的 地方,变出礼物,换好工作服,再伪装成一个老爷爷,骑上我的“光速10000”(虽然领导也说过不许泄密,我还是要说,其实我骑的就一个滑板嘛!)——出发! 果然是好事不出门,我正春风得意送出了第一个礼物之时,圣诞节也不得放假的交警先生冲到我面前,指着我的滑板车:“你,超速,我要扣了你的车。

”“什么?阿SIR,我这是赶着上班!看清楚,我是圣诞老人,你就不怕全中国的孩子们收不到圣诞礼物吗?”“什么圣诞老人,不就破老头一个吗!扣车!”这是什么交警,还以为我不知道啊,不就是因为圣诞节都不能回家气不过吗,可也不能找我出气啊,有空我得投诉他们单位。可现在耽误之急是要回我的车——“我,这,不,是,车,我这是滑板车!”“滑板车也是车!你就是骑滑板车超速了!”“……!”“……!”…… 争执了半分钟,拗不过他,我的车还是……气死我了气死我了!哪有这种交警?以权谋私,不公正又不公平!不就是找人出气吗?找我干什么!我怎么遇到这种不可理喻的人!哼! 气归气,现在总不能误了我的大事吧?算了算了,本人度量大,不跟那种人计较……哎,搞来搞去,连车都没有了……没办法,挤挤公车吧! 可是我哪里知道,7点钟正好赶上了别人上班的时间!“哎呦,叔叔你别踩我的脚啊!小弟弟,你能不能不要再扯我的衣服了?天哪!”上了公车,由于太挤,我吃了几个哑巴亏,叫苦不迭——这什么世道……哎,又有人踩到我了!我……不是吧?居然就在我像一个小船在海中被动的摇来摇去之时,我突然感觉到有什么东西不见了,仔细一看——好家伙,我的手套什么时候不见了? 好不容易到了站,正在我下车之时,我用力地挤出来,被人不小心踩了一脚——嗯?怎么感觉脚忽然间就那么冷冰冰的了?不会是…… 你们猜怎么了?果然不出所料,鞋被人就这么离谱地踩脱了……这时我刚下车,发现鞋子没了,正准备喊“等一下!”,可司机大概没听见,扬长而去。

我……我这窘样怎么送圣诞礼物啊?哎,好丢脸啊啊!挤真是一个很好的“运动”啊!现在我刚好在学校门口下车,上学时间又准备到了——哎,还是先去上课吧!7点钟起床忙乎了那么久,结果才送了一个礼物……自己都觉得很失职。。。 “老爷爷,您这是怎么了?您没有亲人?在圣诞节瞧您的衣服破的……”我刚刚好不容易到了学校门口,见到了远处的同学小A,刚想叫住他,结果他居然跑过来扶我——这我才恍然记得,我居然没有变回来!我现在还是圣诞老人!“小A我……”“啊!老爷爷,您太可怜了!您等着,我马上去电话亭联系福利院!”“不,小A……”“来!”不是吧?我……我被送到福利院?我有爹有娘有家,今天居然被送到了福利院?“小A!不用打电话了,我……”“马上马上!跟我来!”于是,小A“义不容辞”地拉我到了电话亭——“小A!”“老爷爷,电话马上就要接通了!”不要啊!“小A,你别……”“喂福利院吗?………………” 福利院!?圣诞节——我赚钱的一整天就住在福利院?!那那那……!那礼物怎么办?怎么办? (晚上10点钟) 不成,再不逃我就完了!咬咬牙,狗急了会跳墙,圣诞老人急了还会翻墙呢! 我爬我爬,我爬爬爬! 嗵! “哎呀呀!!”——没有经验,我跌了下来…… 没人醒来吧?好,再爬!我爬爬爬! 嗵! “哎呀呀!”——有了经验,我还是跌了下来…… 坚持爬!我爬爬爬! 嗵! 嗵! 嗵! 哈,终于爬出来了!可喜可贺! 送礼物去喽! 这时………… ……怎么天亮了?! “……不是吧!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”


人物: Narrator: It's Christmas time. B is rehearsing Christmas songs in the yard for his School Chorus. A---在睡觉, B---在窗外唱歌.他后来引来众人. 场景: A在屋里.(摆张桌子,和椅子,趴在桌子上睡) B: (clear his throat, starts singing) I wish you Merry Christmas , I wish you Merry Christmas, I wish you Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. I wish… A: (wakes up) what is that noise? (Pretends to open the window) B: What did you say? I can not hear you and sing at the same time? A: I want to sleep. I don't want any singing. B: What did you say? You want more singing? I will find a friend. Narrator: B calls a friend C to join him. B and C: Jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way! O what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh…… A: (shouts) I want you to stop singing! You are giving more!(go back to sleep) B: What did you say? You want more singing? We will find another friend. Narrator: So B and C call for another friend D. B and C and D: Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer Had a very shiny nose And if you ever saw it You would even say it glows. All of the other reindeer Used to laugh and call him names They never let poor Rudolph Play in any reindeer games….. A: (shouts and shakes one hand) you must stop singing. I am tired. I can not take much more. (Sleeps) B: What did you say? You want much more singing? We will find many friends. Narrator: So B and C and D found more friends to join them. B and C and D and a group of friends: Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus, Right down Santa Claus lane Vixen and Blitzen and all his reindeer Pullin' on the reins Bells are ringin', children singin' All is merry and bright…. A: (shouts and shakes two hands) Stop! Your singing is too loud! B: loud? Yes, We can sing loud. Narrator: So they sing very loud. All the children: O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree! How are thy leaves so verdant! O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree, How are thy leaves so verdant! Not only in the summertime, But even in winter is thy prime. O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree, How are thy leaves so verdant! A: (shouts) Please! I want to sleep! I wish that you would all go away! B: Go away? Why didn't you say so in the first place? Narrator: so the children go away and they will sing in another place. All the children bow to the audience and leave the stage. A: (goes back to sleep) The end


snow white contents sw---白雪公主 q---皇后 m---魔镜 h---猎人 p---白马王子 d---小矮人 a---小动物 音乐起,旁白 a long time ago, in a beautiful kingdom, there lived a young king and queen, the people loved them so much; the queen died while giving birth to a girl, her name was snow white, she was a beautiful princess. year passed, the king got married again, the people didn't love the new queen, because she was cruel. one day, in the king's palace: ----白雪出场 s.w: my name is s.w , i am a beautiful princess, i miss my mother so much, where is my mother? where is my mother? 音乐起,皇后、魔镜出场 q: i am a queen, i'm very beautiful,where is mirror? mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the most beautiful? m: s.w is much more beautiful than you! q: hunter, go kill s.w. 猎人出场 h: yes, my queen 音乐起,小动物出场,追赶猎人,公主惊慌出逃 s.w: help me ,help me, please, please a: what's the matter with you? s.w: the hunter…hunter… a: bite you bite you … 小动物追赶猎人下场 s.w: i am tried and hungry, oh, there is a little house , i will eat a little and lie down. 音乐起,7个小矮人出场, d: 1\look, somebody ate my food---- 2\somebody drank my water---- 3\someone is sleeping now---- 4\what a beautiful girl!---- 小矮人睡觉----音乐起公主先醒了----小矮人醒了----对话 5\how do you do? s.w: how do you do? my name is s.w … nice to meet you! d: (齐说)nice to meet you ,too---- 6\ welcome to our house!---- 7\would you like to live here? s.w: my pleasure, thank you very much! d: let's go out for our work, bye-bye, s.w 皇后、魔镜出场 q: mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the most beautiful? m: s.w is much more beautiful than you! q: what? s.w is not dead? hahaha, i got a good idea! 音乐起,皇后扮演老太太出场,对话 q: apple ,apple, beautiful apple, s.w: hello, good morning grandma! q: pretty girl ,would you like a bite? s.w: oh, yes ,thank you grandma! 白雪公主咬一口后倒地 q: the girl is dead! hahaha… 小矮人出场、围着公主哭 s.w wake up, wake up… 音乐起,动物引着王子出场 p: a beautiful girl! she shall be my queen! 王子吻公主,公主醒了 s.w: thank you for your help! p: my pleasure 音乐起,小动物、小矮人、公主、王子跳起欢快的舞


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