

05月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[感恩节英文诗歌带翻译]be thankful when you don't know something, for it gives you the opportunity to learn. 感谢你对一些事情的迷惑不解, 因为你可以有学习的机会。 be thankful for the di...+阅读


climb over five thousand years, Side banner will give you the bright, My dear motherland. Hence, I am not going to crawl, Hence, I will not be subjected to slavery, Hence, my monument in the new China, the Straight into a stand of trees. Trees, I am just an ordinary tree. Spray can not be turned into the new China will be singing the songs around the clock; Clouds can not become a new China dress China and the United States movement. I am just a normal tree, Incoming sand standing place With my brothers and sisters together For my motherland green barriers erected. I am just a normal tree, Standing on the shore of the choppy, With my brothers and sisters together For my country to increase the strength of Haiphong. I am just a normal tree, Standing on ice and snow of the north sky, With my brothers and sisters together For my sculpture image of the motherland. I am just a normal tree, Hot side of the south, With my brothers and sisters together For my country to open up a cool road. I am just a normal tree, Even if I fall, Also let the speeding train, With young Chinese, To break through the fog of financial crisis, Direct access to the full glory of a new era. 爬过五千年的沟沟坎坎, 将一面鲜艳的旗帜交给你, 我亲爱的祖国。

从此, 我不再爬行, 从此, 我不再遭受奴役, 从此, 我的腰杆在新中国的丰碑下, 挺立成一棵笔直的树木。 树木, 我只是一棵平常的树木。 不能变成浪花将新中国的赞歌日夜高唱; 也不能变成云朵装扮新中国的华美乐章。 我只是一棵平常的树木, 站在风沙来袭的地方, 与我的兄弟姐妹一道, 为我的祖国筑起一道绿色的屏障。 我只是一棵平常的树木, 站在波涛汹涌的岸边, 与我的兄弟姐妹一道, 为我的祖国增加海防的力量。 我只是一棵平常的树木, 站在冰雪满天的北国, 与我的兄弟姐妹一道, 为我的祖国雕塑英姿飒爽的形象。 我只是一棵平常的树木, 站在酷热难耐的南方, 与我的兄弟姐妹一道, 为我的祖国开辟一条阴凉的大道。 我只是一棵平常的树木, 即使我倒下, 也要让飞驰的列车, 带着年轻的中国, 冲破金融危机的迷雾, 直达光辉灿烂的新纪元


国庆六十周年英语诗歌climb over five thousand years,Side banner will give you the bright,My dear motherland.Hence,I am not going to crawl,Hence,I will not be subjected to slavery,Hence,腰杆my monument in the new China, theStraight into a stand of trees.Trees,I am just an ordinary tree.Spray can not be turned into the new China will be singing the songs around the clock;Clouds can not become a new China dress China and the United States movement.I am just a normal tree,Incoming sand standing placeWith my brothers and sisters togetherFor my motherland green barriers erected.I am just a normal tree,Standing on the shore of the choppy,With my brothers and sisters togetherFor my country to increase the strength of Haiphong.I am just a normal tree,Standing on ice and snow of the north sky,With my brothers and sisters togetherFor my sculpture image of the motherland.I am just a normal tree,Hot side of the south,With my brothers and sisters togetherFor my country to open up a cool road.I am just a normal tree,Even if I fall,Also let the speeding train,With young Chinese,To break through the fog of financial crisis,Direct access to the full glory of a new era.爬过五千年的沟沟坎坎,将一面鲜艳的旗帜交给你,我亲爱的祖国。



《歌颂祖国》中英翻译祖国,你从世界走来,Motherland,You come from the world,你从先进的世界新生里走来You from the art world came in newborn为了这一刻,To this moment,与你同姓的邻居也伸出援手,With the name of your neighbors to lend a helping hand,拉你一把,You pull one,因为你们是同源,Because you are homologous,所以他们也愿意付出。So they are willing to pay.于是,你屹立在世界一隅。So, you stand in the corner of the world.发展着镌刻这个时代的世界史。Developing world inscribed the history of this era.在这么多人的希冀下,你不负众望。In the hope of so many people, you did not let us down.你让亿万个子民看到了你前进的步伐,Hundreds of millions of people you let you see the pace of progress,你让埋骨黄土的祖先看到了你是在努力着,Loess you let your ancestors saw in the efforts, and你让遍布全球的人看到了你的东方的奇迹。You let people around the world to see your miracle of the East.洪水,非典,冰雪,地震,经济危机,Floods, SARS, snow, earthquake, economic crisis这些事迹让他们看到,看到你的应对局势的能力。These stories allow them to see, to see you the ability to deal with the situation.宇宙飞船,三峡水电站,青藏铁路,奥运,Spacecraft, the Three Gorges Hydropower Station, Qinghai-Tibet Railway, the Olympic Games,这些大事让他们看清,看清你的大国的风范。These events allow them to see, to see your style of great power.祖国啊,祖国,Motherland, ah, motherland,你用你风华正茂的年纪奋斗在雄鸡的版图上,You use your age young cock fighting in the territory,你用你雄姿英发的身躯站立在黄土地上You use your body Qiao standing on the ground in the loess你用你泱泱大国的身份跻身于世界的前列,You use one ofyour great country in his capacity as the forefront of the world,祖国,Motherland,你从过去走来,You come from the past,正走向未来去!Is to go into the future!扩展资料:国庆节节日的意义:




I Think I Can By Author Unknown If you think you are beaten, you are; If you think you dare not, you don't; If you want to win but think you can't; It's almost a cinch you won't. If you think you'll lose, you're lost; For out of the world we find Success begins with a fellow's will; It's all in a state of mind. Life's battles don't always go To the stronger and faster man, But sooner or later the man who wins Is the man who thinks he can. 中文: 如果你认为你败了,那你就一败涂地; 如果你认为你不敢,那你就会退缩畏葸; 如果你想赢但是认为你不能; 那么毫无疑问你就会失利。 如果你认为你输了,你就输了; 因为我们发现人世间 成功从一个人的意志开始; 成功是一种心态。 生活之战中, 胜利并非总是属于更强和更快的人, 胜利者终究是 认为自己能行的人。


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