

12月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求英语求职信]不知道这样是否能够达到你心里但标准,先把中文的稿子打出来给你看,再往下就是英文的了。希望能符合你的心意 尊敬的领导: 您好! 很荣幸您能在百忙之中翻阅我的求职信,谢谢! 我是一...+阅读

Mid-Autumn Day comes. It is a traditional Chinese festival. People will join together to celebrate this festival. It means union. In the daytime I went to market with my mother to buy some vegetable, fruit and meat. We also bought many mooncakes. Because in the evening the whole family will have supper together. When we came back home, I helped my mother to prepare for the supper. I washed the vegatable and fruit. In the evening my family member and relatives came back and we had a rich supper together. We talked and drank wine with each other. After the supper, We enjoyed the moon and ate mooncakes. The moon is very big and round. I spent a very happy day.


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