

12月01日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[国庆节三句半台词]威海大鼓咚咚敲,五星红旗高高飘,全国人民齐欢笑,-------国庆到! 先说建国五十年,祖国年年焕新颜,胜利走在新世纪,-------敬礼! 各行各业大发展,各条战线捷报传,卫星飞船天上转,------...+阅读

大学军训三句半台词 基地教官真可怕, 又管这里又管那, 你若要是惹了他, 找骂. 教官教官真辛苦, 训起人来像老虎, 谁若坚持不下来, 白薯. 现在生活真艰苦, 教官当家做了主, 我们只能听指挥, 痛苦. 军中训练太辛苦, 训练起来真没谱, 一遍一遍又一遍, 真苦. 院里本来有校花, 姑娘来后向大妈, 你若还说她美丽, 眼瞎. 连长有点小心眼, 踏步必须要踩点, 你若要是跟不上, 快点. 最近太阳大有毒, 练得我们只想哭, 每天练到五点半, 开饭. 院里领导一个个, 来了整整一火车, 来了啥也没给带, 快撤. 今天心情很不错, 就是校医特妒火, 你若要是再招我, 单说. 教官老师也不错, 晚上天天评工作, 当时最想去哪里, 宿舍. 军中要开联欢会, 再见不到一对对, 邻导也要去参加, 散会. 洗漱水管真不多, 拿着小凳排排坐, 汗流夹背特别热, 忍者. 宿舍空调有一个, 就是让人很难过, 晚上冷死白天热, 缺德. 食堂饭菜真不错, 三菜一饭给挺多, 就是无法咽下肚, 白做. 超市货品真不错, 三无产品特别多, 先交钱来后给货, 龌龊. 军训有苦也有乐, 关键看你怎么过, 同学战友肩并肩, 向前. 天天顶着大艳阳, 心情很好不正常, 今天就先扯到这, 鼓掌. University of military training San Juban lines Base instructors really terrible, and also of another tube that you want to provoke him, Zhaoma. Instructors the instructors really hard, training liberal like Tiger, anyone who insisted on not down, sweet potatoes. Now life is really hard, instructors headed to do the main, we can only listen to the mand, painful. Military training too hard, training is really off the mark, and over and over and over again, I really bitter. Yard had the beauty, the girl came to the aunt, you also said that if she was beautiful, blind. The pany mander is a little narrow-minded, stepping must want to check out the location, if you wish to keep up, hurry up. Last sun toxic, turn out to be that we just want to cry, got five thirty every day, dinner. Yard leadership one by one, to the whole train, to e had nothing to with, Kuaiche. Very good mood today, is the special jealousy DOCTOR If you want to re-recruit me, single. Instructors and teachers, assessment work every day at night, when most want to go, dormitories. Army to open the party, and then did not see a pair o guide is also going to participate in meeting rose. Wash water pipe is really not much holding the stools are sitting sweatshop hot ninja. Dormitory air conditioning, is one of the people very sad, the night cold dead heat during the day, uhical. The cafeteria food is really good, three dishes and a rice to Tingduo the, is unable to swallow belly vain. Supermarket goods is really good, the three products, particularly to first pay to the goods, dirty. Military training and bitterness he music, critical look at how you too, students rades side by side, forward. Every day the scorching sun, a good mood is not normal, today mixing applause.


大学军训互喊口号大学军训,学院喊口号,学院之间互喊口号,是多么有趣和值得回忆的事情。 船海: 诺亚方舟,船海不愁;二零一二,哥带你走;2010,跟哥拜堂;2012,不上天堂 ;2012,哥带你上船! 能源: 官方版:华...

军训横幅标语军训横幅标语 1、落后就要挨打,忘战必有危机。 2、向前看,看未来;齐步走,走天下。 3、苦不苦想想红军二万五,累不累看看革命老前辈。 4、继承人民军队光荣传统和优良作风,为民族复...

大学生军训倡议书时光飞逝,转眼我们已在农大度过两个美好的学期,其间有欢笑有泪水,有收获有失落。在大一接近尾声的时候,在这个日渐炎热的夏天,我们即将迎来期待已久的军训,你准备好了吗? 军训是和...

军训口号16字大全严格训练,严格要求,团结一致,力争第一。 一年二班,团结一致,不畏艰苦,勇敢奋斗。 认真学习,刻苦训练,文武兼备,百炼成钢。 服从命令,听从指挥,团结互助,争创佳绩。 挑战极限,超越自我,自强...

军训拉歌口号精选1.东风吹,战鼓擂,要拉歌,谁怕谁! 2.某班拉歌土,实在太落伍。不如打背包,回家卖红薯。真土,真土,地球人都知道,土 3.某班真不爽啊,唱歌唱不响啊,不唱不勉强啊,不如去站岗啊! 4.唱的好啊!...

军训横幅标语口号1、落后就要挨打,忘战必有危机。 2、向前看,看未来;齐步走,走天下。 3、苦不苦想想红军二万五,累不累看看革命老前辈。 4、继承人民军队光荣传统和优良作风,为民族复兴刻苦学习。...


军训后写给教官的一封感谢信今天,是军训结束的日子,也是我们和教官分离的日子。 快乐的日子总是短暂的,而我们和您在一起的日子就是快乐的。可能有人认为军训是苦的,是很辛苦很辛苦的,他们错了,我们的军训是...

军训结束写给教官的一封感谢信今天,是军训结束的日子,也是我们和教官分离的日子。 快乐的日子总是短暂的,而我们和您在一起的日子就是快乐的。可能有人认为军训是苦的,是很辛苦很辛苦的,他们错了,我们的军训是...
