

01月29日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[你的朋友李林捡到了你的钱包请你写一封英语作文感谢信给她]Hello Li Lin, It's very grateful to you for returning my wallet you found in the Library. You have saved my live as there are not only some cash in it but also...+阅读

砰,砰砰!砰,砰砰!一阵阵巨响引起我的注意。我出去一看,哇!好多好多人都在放烟火。有的烟火好像陀螺一样,在地上转来转去;有的烟火仿佛天女散花似的,在空中撒出五彩的“花朵”;还有的有如天外流星一般,在空中飞驰而过……各种各样的烟火都有,真成了烟火的世界。 看着这些谗眼的烟火,我也好想放一下。突然,我想起爸爸也给我买了一些烟花,于是我拿起烟花就跑出去玩了。一开始,我不敢点火,因为我怕被烫着(我以前就被烫着过)。可后来,我看见别人玩得很高兴,很羡慕。于是我鼓起勇气点起了打火机。“砰”的一声,,一枚烟火炸了。我终于敢放烟火了。现在我才知道,干什么事情都要有信心和勇气才行。当然还要注意安全。


英语作文感谢别人捡到我的书包yesterday afternoon,i walked to my home with my friend after school.i found a school bag on my way home from school.the bag was near the gate of our scool.the b...

英语作文感谢信感谢老师100字以内mr.smithde i am li ping.thank you for donating me some books ang money.i has made a lot of progress by my teacher help.my teachers says you did a great job.my p...

一篇100个单词左右的英文手机广告词!Morning sir, i do like to introduce Nokia N96 to you. As you know, a successful man, I believe Nokia is definitely suitable to you due to the greater quality an...

初一英语广告词作文40词翻译My Clothes Store sale Come and buy your clothes at My Clothes Store.We have many good things at very good prices.Do you need T-shirts?We have T-shirts in all co...

一篇关于宣传广告的英语作文四十词左右Spring Festival is a traditional festival in China.To celebrate the imporant festival,all the clothes in our shop are on sale.You can find many nice clothes her...

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英语作文:求职信Cover Letter December 7th,2004. Dear Madame or Sir When you read this cover letter,I know I have seen the aurora of hope.Thank you for reading my cover letter d...

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