[策划一次中秋节晚会作文]今天是八月十五,人们兴高采烈,以各种形式来欢度这个传统节日——中秋节。 每年农历八月十五日,是传统的中秋佳节。这时是一年秋季的中期,所以被称为中秋。在中国的农历里,一年分...+阅读
I had a great time on the Mid-autumn Day, I spent the day to make sense about my family.First,I ate the dinner with my parents and my sister, we made the joy and took the intereting things.At next, we went to the park to see the moon, it's beautiful in the sky. And then, we went home so fast, because of we will eat the mooncakes, my mother already had bought it in the morning. At last,we watched TV until 12 o'clock to sleep. It's a pleasant day! I and my family together passed the joyful day.
在中秋节放孔明灯有什么含义吗现代人放孔明灯多作为祈福之用。男女老少亲手写下祝福的心愿,象征丰收成功,幸福年年。. 大约于清朝道光年间,先民由大陆福建省惠安、安溪等县传入台湾的台北县、平溪乡、十分寮...
关于中秋节的小故事英语翻译Mooncakes are to Mid-Autumn Festival what mince pies are to Christmas. The seasonal round cakes traditionally have a sweet filling of lotus seed paste or red be...
中秋节英语小故事越简单越好。那位大侠帮我一把时间过的真快啊,转眼间又到了一年一度的中秋佳节了。 晚上我和爷爷`奶奶`爸爸`妈妈一起一边吃着月饼一边欣赏着又圆又亮的明月。啊!今晚的月饼好丰盛啊有哈密瓜的`有菠萝的`有...
过中秋节不能陪伴孩子心情不好的说说1、中秋节到了,却不能回家与家人团圆。只能发一篇帖子祝家人身体健康,中秋快乐。 2、似乎好多年了,都是我一个人注视着这繁华的世界,看着他人的开心与热闹,然后蹲下来抱抱自己,站...
谁有端午节的日记急急急急!!今天是端午节,我和几个朋友,按照习俗上山去趟露水。一路上我用双手捧起晶莹的露珠往眼睛上抹,一时间我觉得眼睛好像亮了好多。 回到家的时候,刚到门口就闻到粽子香,一进门就看见...
怎么做中秋节的灯笼中秋节 做灯笼 萤火虫S(三2) 加入时间:2008-12-15 14:53:13 梁琛喆 点击:205 相关信息啊,今晚的月色可真好啊!月光照射着大地 ,小朋友拿着各式各样的小灯笼在浩han的夜空下玩耍,大人...
关于中秋节的短文英文版Septemper 14th 2008 cloudy Today is the Mid-autumn festival , I feel very happy . Many of my friends gave me mooncakes and I gave them too to show our friedship...
中秋节由来英语The Mid-Autumn Festival The Mid-Autumn is a very important Chinese festival. It falls on the 15th day of August. A few days before the festival, everyone in the...