

02月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[怎么用英语向人祝贺新婚快乐]1. you are well matched 你们很般配 2. the bride and the groom are well suited 新娘和新郎很般配 3. congratulations on your good marriage . 恭喜你们喜结良缘! 4. I...+阅读


New Year's Day is the first day of the lunar calendar. it is the day when the earth has circled the sun for one round and is beginning another circling.

it represents a new beginning when people send off the old days and welcome the new ones. as the first day of the year, yuandan has been considered to be the most important festival since the ancient times.


What is special during the new year is that parents or elders will distribute red packets(ang pao or ya sui qian)to the children. people in the ancient times were more particular in giving away the red packets: the distribution took place on the eve of new year so that the kids could suppress the past year and enter the new year.

ya sui has the meaning of overcoming the unpredictable future. representing the wishes for the healthy psychological growth of the children, ya sui qian symbolises the elders' hope to see their children overcome all the unpredictable elements brought by the "year".



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