There was a rich man, his mother was so old that all teeth are broken. Then he drove her to the hospital, the dentist started to sell their dentures when they got into the dental clinic. Finally, his mother took the cheapest. As fact, the dentist wanted to sell them the best one that is very expensive. So he continued talking with them and told the differences between the good and the bed while setting an eye on the rich. However, he was very disappointed because the rich focused on the phone while having cigar and didn'e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94e58685e5aeb931333330336265t look to buy it. At last, the dentist had to make the agreement with his mother. At this moment, the mother took a bag out of her pocket and opened it slowly, then took out the money to pay the deposit that she can returned for her teeth a week later.
After the rich and his mother gone, many people in this clinic started to blame the rich. They said the rich showed a good appearance but did not want a set of dentures for his mother. The rich coming back when the people discussed them. The rich said to the dentist,“Give my mother the best porcelain teeth, no matter how much I will pay for it. But don't tell her the truth because she is a very thrift woman, I don't want to upset her” .
2011感恩母亲节英语祝福语to the world’s number one mom! 给世界上最好的妈妈! you are the best mom that a son ever had. 您是儿子心中最好的妈妈。 here’s a little token of my appreciation...
母亲节,感恩母亲!写在即将到来的母亲节前,以表达对母亲的感恩! 流浪了几天,刚刚归来,原本想在外一段时间的,因为再过几天就是母亲节了,要回来看母亲给母亲上坟。这次,回家的路似乎很长,我木然的望着...
感恩母亲节英语作文母爱是世间最伟大的力量。以下是小编FANWEN51为您准备的关于母亲节的作文,欢迎阅读。作文一Love is the parents is the worlds largest love, is in their minds share of f...
感恩母亲作文这是一篇感恩母亲的演讲稿,读了你的文章老师知道了你是一个懂得感恩的孩子,文章字里行间流露着对母亲的热爱,语言真挚。全文语言流畅自然,较为生动,是一篇不错的习作。 关于妇女...
母亲节感恩母亲的贺卡祝福语有您的地方,就是我最温馨、最快乐的家。无数次遥望家的方向,那是我神往的地方,是我魂牵梦绕的心之乐园!母亲:节日快乐!请您:健康长寿! 祝福母亲妈妈,您为我操劳了十几年。乌黑的头...
《感恩母亲》一、设计理念: 母亲是我们人生路上第一任老师,她给了我们生命,教我们学说话,她的爱似大山般高大,似大海样深沉,我们尽一生之力也报答不了母亲的养育之恩。 本周日是母亲节,在母亲节...