

02月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语元宵节祝福]元宵节祝福英语(一) 1, Fang Yu could be a beacon multicolored lights, moving drag you happy heart Lakeripples; knock一声acoustic festival Wanzhong, let me love i...+阅读

Lantern Festival就是元宵节,这是来源于元宵节的传统习俗——赏灯,灯笼就是Lantern;除此之外,灯笼上还会写有谜语(riddle),猜中有奖。 下面来看一个介绍元宵节的句子:

Lantern Festival, one of the most-celebrated traditional festivals in China which marks the end of the 15-day Spring Festival celebration, is normally featured by sweet glutinous rice balls, enjoying fascinating lantern riddles and other activities.



英语元宵节祝福的短语1. 元宵节之际,祝你心中有首快乐的歌,新年快乐! Wishing you a merry song in your heart at Lantern Festival and blessings all year long! 2. 在元宵节来临之际,祝你平安,快...

英语贺卡上的贺词怎么写用英语写圣诞贺卡应该怎么写Christmas morning!Children like to wake up early while it's still dark and sneak into the living room to check the presents----find any with their name on it,sh...

无偿献血的英文怎么说呢自愿献血:volunteer to give blood. 无偿献血:a blood donation without payment. 献血 a blood donation 志愿地;无偿地;义务地 Without payment;free of charge 志愿提供他们...

关于元宵节的英语文章Lantern Festival The 15th day of the 1st lunar month is the Chinese Lantern Festival because the first lunar month is called yuan-month and in the ancient times...

关于元宵节的英语短文元宵 过了春节之后,小孩们就会盼望元宵节的到来。 我们这儿过元宵节都要吃汤圆、馄饨,象征着团团圆圆,幸福美满。吃完晚饭后,就会发现田埂上,小路边,到处都是星星点点的火把,孩子们...

元宵节的作文英语简单的The Lantern Festival 元宵节 The Lantern Festival is a traditional Chinese festival, which is on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month. We celebrate it because it'...

高考祝福语怎么说呢1. 六月鲜花竞相绽,捷报纷纷似花瓣。花香溢人醉心田,鲜花献送状元郎。十年苦读梦实现,名校专业细筛选。求索路上迈新步,博读书海天下闯。愿你大展才华。 2. 在高考的日子里,你像...

元宵节应该对别人说什么祝福语好1、窗花妙,歌声飘,人头攒动红灯照;擀面皮包汤圆,珍珠元宵落玉盘;明月圆,举杯欢,合家围坐笑连连。恭祝你元宵佳节快乐! 2、正月十五到,佳节闹元宵,花灯挂一挂,烟花放一放,汤圆碗中盛。朋...

离职的时候怎么跟老东家说呢离职时与领导告别的话语有很多, 辞职后跟老板道别的方式也是多样化的。 第一,主要以下几点细节话术要注意。1、可以表达自己对领导的感谢,感谢领导一直以来对自己的栽培。2、可...
