[五一劳动节的诗歌朗诵稿]五一劳动节的歌朗诵稿(1): 春风春雨把原野拂过, 惊起一层漫漫绿色。 高高铁塔、层层配电网络上, 悬挂着一幅幅检修线路工人忙碌的景色。 风 ,用温情的手在电线上弹奏着 欢快的乐章...+阅读
Today is Labor Day I wanted sleepy of the problems may depend on how in bed together after a while do not want to mother and father ran hastily from which my father said He Shan and I want your mother to buy a big market Guangcai furniture at home idle you nothing you do for a long time on the work you did not clean your room on ah finished cleaning your room left.
Father's work, then how can pyronaridine I do not sound lazy to climb up to wash clothes brush it started cleaning the garbage I have to say about a good clean-up to blame the sorry though I am a girl but the room was indeed a public In fact, the landfill vice table I put things out of the room to have a short while into the living room sofa table are filled with things I used Then I put the cloth to clean the table a second time to I have lived for half a table wiping the sweat as well as silk, such as rain fell like a short while, after all, summer is coming so hot on my hand wiped sweat not continue to the table that I am now seriously discredited it So the every corner of the floor had become dirty clean call me a bum sitting on the bed followed by breathing only clean up the garbage on the line out of the room worked hard in my finally clean.
Although I am very tired but neat room, I watched very happy!
五一劳动节诗歌6首歌唱劳动 文 / 诗意阳光 一 歌唱劳动 在这个花草苏醒柳枝跳舞的季节 我歌唱一只在松软泥土下蠕动的蚯蚓 这蠕动是最曼妙的舞蹈 它与农人耕耘与播种的躬身姿势 优美地契合,弥...
五一劳动节诗歌一株草的感召 在我的远方 你生长 幽香千里迢迢 弥漫了我的诗句 那安谧的姿态时刻感动着我 教育我潜下心来 熄灭一切物欲的喧嚣 注目你 注目你优美的生存 2 在我局促的生命里...
五一劳动节诗歌5篇五一劳动节诗歌 1 站在红五月首端 深入劳动者中间 感悟阳光里那跳跃的音符 一不小心 滴落下来 打动了无声的果林 沉寂的大地上 顿时 响起劳动的那支劲歌 回荡在亿万劳动者心...
五一劳动节的诗歌10首春风春雨把原野拂绿 惊起一层漫漫绿色。 高高铁塔、层层配电网络上, 悬挂着一幅幅检修线路工人忙碌的景色。 风 , 用温情的手在电线上弹奏着 欢快的乐章,在寂寥中 为茫茫沙海里...
五一劳动节诗歌朗诵2篇五一劳动节诗歌朗诵 1 正清楚的响在耳边 还我青岛拒签和约 内惩国贼外争国权祖国母亲岂容蹂躏 中华大地哪能踏践 这是一群热血青年正义的呐喊 这是一群爱国志士光荣宣言 象...
庆祝五一劳动节诗歌朗诵正清晰的响在耳边 还我青岛拒签和约 内惩国贼外争国权祖国母亲岂容蹂躏 中华大地哪能踏践 这是一群热血青年正义的呐喊 这是一群爱国志士光荣宣言 象一座岩浆迸发的火山 似...
五一劳动节诗歌简短2、劳动节诗歌----五一颂 作者:佚名 文章来源:会员提供 点击数:463 更新时间:2006-4-9 春风春雨把原野拂过, 惊起一层漫漫绿色。 高高铁塔、层层配电网络上, 悬挂着一幅幅检修线路...