

01月29日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[描写大海的深邃美要排比 150字以上]1、大海,是雄伟的,一朵朵浪花拍打沙滩,发出轰轰的浪花声;大海,是壮观的,由远及近,一望无际;大海,是富有的,它蕴含着丰富的矿产;大海,是无私的,它将自己的儿女奉献于人类。 2、大海是苦涩...+阅读

Today, I happily home saw two cute little squirrel. They that small and exquisite YuanLiuLiu face inlaid with a pair of small eyes and small triangle of the ear. They all black and white, but there are several patterns. They call a qiqi, a call cyanine cyanine. The little squirrel dinner is very interesting, they always sat, and the upper hand, send in food and close mouth. Eat corn, their hands and feet with the corn, but took down a grain by a grain, meat is only slowly eat not to eat. And they eat the food that is little, than the mirror. The little squirrel sleep more interesting, they like a dog lying like a little hedgehog rolled as. If you walk a little voice they will wake up immediately. "Their vigilance is really high!" I always said to his mother. Mama always said, "because nature is a survival of the fittest. The little squirrel if not alert that will be eaten." "The little squirrel not sleep well? It's so pitiful!" Mom always smile. Soon after, because of my mistake cyanine cyanine silently. Leaving qiqi. Every day he ate sitting there is very little, dull, etc. "I hope the cyanine cyanine can come back!" "Do you know why the cyanine cyanine will run?" My mother asked, smiling. "Because of my carelessness. "Wrong, because the cyanine cyanine needs freedom, want freedom." Several days later, I opened the door. Qiqi lingered for a moment and ran off. Mom came at me, I say with smile: "qiqi also needs freedom."


谁知道描写大海的片段啊1、大鱼吃小鱼 2、海浪花 3、浪花 4、水晶宫里真美丽 大海里,真稀奇, 风儿风儿轻轻吹, 浪花家在哪儿? 红珊瑚,搭舞台, 大鱼吃小鱼, 大海大海笑微微。 家在大海中, 海带帷幕挂起来。...

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