

02月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英国签证需要在职证明必须是英文的吗]所有东西都必须是中英文各一份的。包括表格以及相关证明资料,反正很麻烦。 所需材料 【申请材料】 (1):当前有效的护照(如有旧护照则一并提供原件)。 (2):婚姻状况文件。已婚人员提供...+阅读

Dear Karen,

How's everything going these days?We are going to hold a Christmas party in my house from 7:00pm to 12:00pm on Christmas Eve,you are invited to my house to celebrate Christmas with my family.Feel free if you want to bring some of your friends or your family members.In the Christmas Party,we will have cookies,Christmas Trees,Caroling,and bunch of other Christmas fun.We will pray before we eat.Also,after dinner,we will definitely sing the Christmas songs and have a lot of fun.If you'd like to bring a snack or treat to share,that would be welcome.By the way,can you respond if you can come as soon as possible but no later than 10th December?And if someone will come with you,could you let me know before that date too,so I can arrange everything for the party.

Thank you

Your Sincerely




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