
商务英语写作bad news题目和答案需要更多的练习写作谢谢大神提供

02月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Chapter One Parts and Formats of Business Letters

1. Use the following information to type a letter:

Human Resources, Global Securities

World Financial Center, North Tower - 250 Vesey Street New York, NY 10281-1332

July 20, 2007

Professor Lyndon Kenton

Business Department, University of Tennessee Kronxwille, Tennessee 37916

Dear Professor Lyndon Kenton,

We are considering Joanne Tucker for our Analyst Training Program at Global Securities. She is a promising candidate, and we need more detailed information about her education and your opinion of her ability to handle the rigors of training. Ms. Tucker submitted your name not only as her professor but also as her faculty advisor.

In addition to the long hours involved in training, candidates must have a sound, logical approach to problem solving. We are looking for people who are not afraid to express their ideas and who exude confidence in their manner and deed. The job of financial analyst requires not only technical knowledge of the market but also extensive people skills, and we appreciate any information about Joanne Tucker that will help guide our decision.

We need your letter of recommendation no later than May 30, but would appreciate it earlier, if convenient. Your evaluation will be kept strictly confidential in accordance with our governing by-laws. Thank you for your time on Ms. Tucker's behalf.

Sincerely yours,

Sandra Blackmon


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