

02月03日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[旅游英语主要学什么]理论学期 综合英语、商务英语泛读、英语口语、旅游概论、导游基础知识、酒店管理概论、计算机基础 实训学期 必做:导游实训(国内外景点的中英文介绍、导游相关知识调研(哈市知...+阅读


1.internet and multi media, it is a part of our daily life. it is fast ,easy ,user friendly way of communication.

2.offer new shares, right and bonds

3.money and fame

4.work smart, take ini, high EQ

5.when you go to job interview,you must study or understand company background and history and culture and company prostect.

6.study market demand and target your group of customer

7.education[english], productions[more population and human resources]

8.working at home,cost saving [ e.g.transportation],employee can take care of their family member

9.trust is most important ,company background and foundation

10.market demand and get opinion from custome. things that the company need to be improve



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