[用earvri组成的英语单词]arrive英 [əˈraɪv] 美 [əˈraɪv] vi. 到达,来;发生 到达; 到帐; 达到; 到达到达抵达 过去式:arrived 过去分词:arrived 现在分词:arriving 第三人称单数:arrives(1)(人或交通工具...+阅读
We need to improve our living condition. Meanwhile, we can't destroy our environment. As for trees, which is of course a vital point of the environment, they are cut down day after day, year after year. In order to improve the covery of the trees and the condition of the envoronment, on one hand, we need to keep the trees from being cut down by large amounts. On the other hand, we must plant as many young trees as we can. We hope that the sky will be bluer, and the air could be cleaner. Then everyone could enjoy our lives a lot.我的回答 希望你满意
写个英语工作证明Working Certificate To xxx This is to certify that Mr.xxx has been working for our company from xxxx(填上你的入职日期) to xx/xx/xxxx(合同期限). During the period, h...
英语写:1订购信。2工作证明我只给你写信的内容,姓名日期之类的统一格式就不给你写了哈~ 1. We have recieved your order of digital camera, it was successfully ordered, we have spot goods for it...
英语作文大学英语教师工作证明对应的英语: To whom may concerns. (在纸面中心) This certisfy that Mr/Ms/Miss xxx has worked in our university as an English teacher for three years. He/She has don...
求一篇关于五一节还奋斗在一线工人的文章主要内容就是讲工人以下文章做相应修改就可以用了 娄底新新网讯 五一小长假到来,娄底园林工人们一大早就来到了长韶娄高速娄北连接线“增红添绿”。 4月30日,娄底市风景园林管理处党委副书记、副...
文章的英语单词怎么写啊1. article 2. essay 例句与用法: 1. 这篇文章中凭空臆测的东西太多。 The article has too many false presumptions. 2. 你读了有关信息革命的那篇文章没有? Have you read...
这篇英语文章怎么写Notice Boys and Girls : Our school is going to convoke a meeting for we need elect a chairman of Student Union from the candidates by vote , the time of the mee...
这篇英文文章怎么写呢Dear Lili, Our school will hold a concert on the second week of May. You are invited to this concert. You should bring your own instrument, such as classical fo...
帮帮忙怎么用英语写一篇英语文章If you want to ask me why we should study English, my answer will be simple and clear. Now let me enumerate the reasons one by one in the following. In the firs...