

02月08日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[如何备考英语?]可以根据自身的基础情况来进行备考英语。 英语基础差的同学,应该从最简单的词汇与语法开始学习,每天积累一定的词汇量,基础语法要掌握好。 当词汇积累到一定阶段,语法也掌握的差...+阅读

Hi,there! What can i help you today? B:...emmmm...I wanna buy a present for my grandma's birthday. A:Do you have anything in mind? i suggest thiswoollen carf. it's good for old ladies, especially in winter. B:but that's what i gave her last year. A:oh,okay.let's find out some thing else. (C is paasing by) C:hi,B! what a surprise to meet you here! B:hey,C! long time no see! how's going? C:everything is fine! what are you doing here?' B:I'm looking for a present for my grandma's birthday and i just can't make up my mind! C:What did you give her last year? B:A woollen scarf. C:Well then, perhaps this year you should bring her a pair of gloves? B:excellent ideas! Thanks,C! C:you're welcom~ see ya~ B:bye~ A:so, if you are looking for gloves, i'll suggest this one. it's warm, durable, and it's on sale this week! B:sounds perfect. i'll get it then~ A:25 dollars, please. B:And would you please gift wrap that? A:Sure. A:Here you are, sir/madam. B:Thank you very much. (B goes to home) B:Mom! I'm back! D:welcome home, my son! B:guess what,mom. I just broght a present for grandma. D:oh, great! waht is it? B:it's a secret~~ (on grandma's birthday party) B:grandma, this is for you! (B brings out the gift) E:oh, my! it's such a adorable present! Thank you so much, my dear. B:I love you grandma. E:I love you, too.


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