

02月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[初中水平英语作文120词带翻译谢谢大家]Football is my favorite sport. Every time I play football with my classmates in the playground, we are very excited. During this summer vacation, I usually play...+阅读

Hello everyone! Today, I stand on this stage as I really like to be the English Rep of this class, to help you all with your learning of English. I am not trying to show off in front of you all, but I am quite confident in my English level as I always score first in class for English. My purpose of being the English Rep is to help you all with your studies, to improve the average English score of our class. Promises are hard to keep, but I promise you all, if I become the English Rep, I will do my best to help the teacher and you all, if you have any questions regarding English, feel free to approach me as I will do my best to help you all. Thank you.


求英语大神汉译英孟德斯鸠名言谢谢谢谢谢谢度Good habits have four: on time, right, perseverance, quickly. Lack of the first time will be lost; Do not have a second, of mistakes; There is no third, thing...

求50字自我鉴定初中生谢谢时光流逝,丰富多彩的三年初中生活即将结束,这三年是我人生中最重要的一段里程,它将永远铭记在我的脑海里。 我衷心拥护中国共产党的领导,热爱社会主义祖国, 学习上,我有较强的自学...

六个关于诚信的事例每个50字左右求快谢谢了大学生失信可开除并非新鲜事 近日,教育部官方微信“微言教育”公布了《普通高等学校学生管理规定》的修订对照表,并就此向各地教育行政部门以及部属高校征求意见。在拟修订的...

求有关茶的英语作文顺便求翻译谢谢!关茶的英语作文 The window mingled with underground with rain, not to drink a cup of tea. Take some tea, and into the cup. Boil the water, carefully into the cup...

求初中英语写作谚语去文库,查看完整内容> 内容来自用户:anxulei 初中英语写作常用谚语 1. Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。 2. A light heart live long. 心情开朗寿命长。(不恼不愁,活到白头...

跪求初中化学元素代表的符号谢谢1 氢 H ※ 1(1.00794) 2 氦 He 4(4.002602) 3 锂 Li 7 (6.941) 4 铍 Be 9(9.012182) 5 硼 B 10.8(10.811) 6 碳 C ※ 12(12.0107) 7 氮 N ※ 14(14.0067) 8 氧 O ※ 16(15.9...


英语家长会讲演稿开场白: Welcome to the parents in this regard, you may know that you want to know. Parents hope that will substantially Haihan! 中文:欢迎各位家长,在这方面,你可知道...

英语课代表竞选稿格式竞选英语课代表发言稿 尊敬的徐老师、亲爱的同学们:大家好! 我叫***,12岁,今天我要竞选的职位是英语课代表。这是我人生中第一次竞争演讲,所以未免有些紧张,上台前我犹豫了许久,也...
