

02月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[最美的女老师]短剧★最美的女老师 流云飞瀑 / 作品 有一个叫凤凰山的地方,名字很美,那里是绵绵的高山,山头除了裸露的石头以外,就是满山坡的茅草,荒凉得叫人心寒。 清雨是大都市名牌大学二年级...+阅读

The most beautiful teacher(浅户禾添原创) The most beautiful teacher "Zhang Lili" has moved thousands of people in China. (浅户禾添原创)She is 29 years old. (浅户禾添原创) She has been a Chinese teacher in Jiamusi No.19 Middle School for three years. (浅户禾添原创)She is serious about her job and she is very kind and patiend. (浅户禾添原创) But unluckly, a car accident happend to her. (浅户禾添原创) On the evening of May 8th , 2012 , the students went home after school as usual .(浅户禾添原创) When they passed a bus , the bus started to move towards them because of the driver's mistake.(浅户禾添原创)To save the students , Miss Zhang pushed them away but she was hit by the bus and lost her legs .(浅户禾添原创) She has been in hospital so far .(浅户禾添原创) We are all very sad .(浅户禾添原创) We are deeply moved by her great love and courage .(浅户禾添原创) I hope she will get better soon and get over the difficults and face the future bravely.(浅户禾添原创) Teachers' love is great.(浅户禾添原创) I hope my teachers will be happy and healthy forever.(浅户禾添原创) (注:如果是慰问信,没要求写腿断了,就不要写,太伤人又不礼貌,可以用 I hope she will get better soon and get over the difficults and face the future bravely 代替。)



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