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[前台接待的工作职责和礼貌用语]一、咨询接待: 1.接听客户咨询电话,应熟练地使用规范用语,热情、礼貌地接听电话咨询,科学、耐心、有针对性地回答客户的有关培训的相关问题,包括培训的最新安排、培训/报考费用、...+阅读


(1)许多规模比较大的公司都有一个接待员,我们通常叫前台。The work of a receptionist is interesting and varied. 前台的活可是不少。The work is also important because the receptionist is the first person visitors see when they come to a firm. So the receptionist gives them the first idea of the firm. 我们来看看Rose 这位前台是怎样接待来访客人的吧。Rose is a receptionist at Modern Office limited. In this part Rose will speak to Mr. Hussein, who has an appointment with the Sales Manager Mr. Shelli at 11:30. ROSE: Good morning. Can I help you? MR HUSSEIN: Good morning. Is this Modern Office Ltd.? ROSE: Yes it is. MR HUSSEIN: I have an appointment with the Sales Manager at 11: 30. ROSE: May I have your name, please? MR HUSSEIN: Hussein. Omar Hussein. I'm from the Gulf Trading Company. ROSE: Let me see... Ah yes, Mr Hussein.Please take a seat, Mr Hussein. I'll tell the Manager's Secretary you are here.(DIALS) MARIA: Mr Shelli's Office. ROSE: Hello Maria, this is Reception. Mr Omar Hussein is here. He has an appointment with Mr Shelli at 11.30. MARIA: Mr Omar Hussein? ROSE: Yes, he's from the Gulf Trading Company. MARIA: Oh, yes, that's right. I'll come and fetch him now. ROSE: Thanks. (REPLACES PHONE) Mr Shelli's secretary is coming down now. MR HUSSEIN: Thank you. MARIA: Mr Hussein? MR HUSSEIN: Yes, that's right. MARIA: I'm the Sales Manager's secretary. Please come this way. I'll take you to his office. 前台接待访客常用会话

(2) 一般的访客都是提前有预约的。但也有些没有预约的“不速之客”。这个时候前台应该怎样接待这些客人呢?我们看看Rose 是怎么做的吧! The second visitor is Mr Li. He has not an appointment, but he wants to see Mr Shelli. MR LI: Good morning. ROSE: Good morning. Oh, Mr Li. How are you? ' MR LI: I'm fine, thanks, and you? ROSE: Oh, busy as usual. Do you want to see Mr Shelli? MR LI: Yes, please. ROSE: Have you an appointment? MR LI: Er... No, I haven't. You see, I only arrived in the country this morning. ROSE: Well, I know he's busy at the moment but I'll ask his secretary when he'll be free. Please sit down. MR LI: Thank you. (DIALS) MARIA: Mr Shelli's office. ROSE: Oh, hello Maria. It's reception again. I have Mr Li here. He hasn't an appointment but he'd like to see Mr Shelli. When will he be free? MARIA: Let me see ... Well, Hmmm, he'll be free about 12.30. Can Mr Li wait? ROSE: Mr Shelli will be free about half past twelve. Can you wait? MR LI: What's the time now? ROSE: It's nearly 12: 00. MR LI: Oh that's fine. I'll wait. ROSE: (TO MARIA) Maria, Mr Li will wait. MR LI: Right. I'll fetch him when Mr Shelli's free. ROSE: Thanks. (REPLACES PHONE) (TO MR LI) She'll come and fetch you later. MR LI: Thank you. ROSE: Where are you staying, Mr Li? MR LI: At the Plaza. ROSE: The Plaza? MR LI: Yes, I usually stay there. 前台接待访客常用会话

(3)公司里常来的客户一般前台都熟悉。当然,也会有陌生人来造访。这不,Mr Lefere 来造访 Mr Ballito 了。且看Rose如何处理。 MR LEFERE: Good morning. ROSE: Good morning. Can I help you? MR LEFERE: Er, yes. I have an appointment with Mr Ballito at a quarter past ten. ROSE: May I have your name please? MR LEFERE: Paul Lefere… from the International Hotel Group. ROSE: Thank you. Please take a seat, Mr Lefere, and I'll phone Mr Ballito's office. (DIALS) OPAL: Mr Ballito's office. ROSE: Hello, Opal. This is Reception. Mr Lefere is here for his 10:15 appointment. OPAL: Oh yes Rose. Mr Ballito's expecting him. He is in Room 9 on the first floor. ROSE: Thanks. (REPLACES PHONE) MR Lefere, would you please go up to Room 9 on the first floor. Mr Ballito's expecting you. MR LEFERE: Room 9 on the first floor. ROSE: That's right. The stairs are on the left. MR LEFERE: Thank you.


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