[高分求几个关于医学专业词汇的英文翻译]Learn to start experiment a research to the A main efficacy of medicine, provide an experiment basis for the A clinical application Adopting the small rat tremb...+阅读
Ultrasound see: Thyroid or so in the normal range leaf size form, the spondylolysis normal thickness, be film smooth complete, left, and under the leaves very close to the edge essence and about the size of 4.8 agent * * * * * 3.0 3.8 mm substantial low, echo nodules, boundary ShangQing, peripheral tidy, oval, quality of a material is uniform, did not see the obvious echoes calcification, rear acoustic beam no attenuation, and peripheral nodular CDFI and internal visible strip blood flow distribution, PW measures and for artery flow signal, high resistance index, about 0.7. Even more than the left lobe essence echo, did not see the unusual, blood supply in the normal range. The spondylolysis around and leaves the echo of essence in blood normal range. Both sides neck has not seen the abnormal lymph node.
英文翻译医学术语here is a summary of what I know about my health condition 个人健康状况概述 background 病史(不要一看到background 就翻译为“背景”!) as a very young baby i had a bl...
康复医学专业有哪些医学核心期刊啊核心期刊目录一览表(2010年)(以拼音字母为序) 序号 期刊名 刊号 136 颈腰痛杂志 CN34-1117/R 147 老年医学与保健 CN31-1798/R 213 神经病学与神经康复学杂志 CN31-1927/R 277...
临床医学临床医学与医学技术这两个专业有什么区别以下内容摘自教育部的官方网站 武汉大学 ( 湖北 ) - 临床医学与医学技术类 临床医学与医学技术类(含临床医学、医学检验、预防医学专业) 本学科大类采取“打通”和“分段”方式...
关于医学影像专业实际上我们医学影像专业还不错拉 不过基础知识必须学好 主干学科:基础医学、临床医学、影像技术 这些必须好好的学呢 而且就业也瞒好就业的,虽然现在学习影像专业的学生越来越...
医学生专业英语单词医学生物学 Medical Biology 医学遗传学Medical Genetics 系统解剖学 Systematic Anatomy 组织学与胚胎学 Histology and Embryology 人体生理学Human Physiology 生物化学...
医学专业名词翻译消化专科病房 Digestion specialist wards 重症胰腺炎 Severe pancreatitis 胰胆疾病的内镜治疗 Endoscopic treatment of pancreatic and biliary diseases 肝硬化门脉高压...
求比较专业的医学术语翻译Three groups of patients with intestinal sound recovery time, anal exhaust time, defecation time The average number of days after rehydration, compared with the...