
关于跨文化交流即intercultural communication的英文名句段落或ppt

02月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[读书即是立德]书籍的使命是帮助人们认识生活,而不是代替思想对生活的认识。 作者:科尔查克 读书是在别人思想的帮助下,建立起自己的思想。 作者:鲁巴金 无所事事对一个感情热烈的年轻人是很...+阅读

Intercultural communication is a form of global communication. It is used to describe the wide range of communication problems that naturally appear within an organization made up of individuals from different religious, social, ethnic, and educational backgrounds. Intercultural communication is sometimes used synonymously with cross-cultural communication. In this sense it seeks to understand how people from different countries and cultures act, communicate and perceive the world around them. As a separate notion, it studies situations where people from different cultural backgrounds interact. Aside from language, intercultural communication focuses on social attributes, thought patterns, and the cultures of different groups of people. It also involves understanding the different cultures, languages and customs of people from other countries. Intercultural communication plays a role in anthropology, cultural studies, linguistics, psychology and communication studies. Intercultural communication is also referred to as the base for international businesses. There are several cross cultural service providers around who can assist with the development of intercultural communication skills. Research is a major part of the development of intercultural communication skills


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