[培养英文怎么说]foster。 音标:英 [ˈfɒstə(r)] 、美 [ˈfɑːstər] 释义: 1、v.促进;助长;培养;鼓励;代养,抚育,照料(他人子女一段时间) He manoeuvres to foster recovery. 他采取手段促进复苏。 2...+阅读
1. piece rate
2. incentive wage
3. piecework wage
4. productivity wages
5. efficiency wage
6. piece rate wage plan
Do you use piece rates or an hour wage?
Work paid according to the amount done puts a premium on speed and not on quality.
The union won the concession over tea breaks and the management got its way about piecework rates, so the meeting was judged to be a drawn game.
1. recieve and pay out money
2. cashier
1. 出纳员以身殉职。
The cashier died in harness.
2. 必须当著银行出纳员的面签这些支票。
The cheques must be signed in front of the cashier at the bank.
3. 出纳员携带该日营业收入逃走了.
The cashier has done a bunk with the day's takings.
4. 出纳员偷走了当天的进款.
A cashier ran away with the day's takings.
5. 这台现金出纳机肯定是很老式的。
This cash register must have come out of the ark.
Bank Clerk
Bill book(B.B.)
Where's the cashier, please?
Do we pay you or the cashier?
The cashier embezzle $50, 000 from the bank and run away.
The bank cashier rounded up the figures to the nearest pound.
The cashier was asked to account for every penny of the money that was entrusted to him.
As soon as I complete my training, I am going to be a bank teller.
It includes a virtual numeric currency, an electronic system of withdrawals, transfers and loans, and Smartcards (electronic purses) of all shapes and sizes.
收钱的英文怎么说收钱的英文是 collect money ,其中: collect 英 [kə'lekt] 美 [kə'lɛkt] vt. 收集;募捐 vi. 收集;聚集;募捐 adv. 由收件人付款地 adj. 由收件人付款的 n. (Collect)人名;(英)科...
爸爸英文怎么说dad 英 [dæd] 美 [dæd] n. 爸爸;爹爹 n. (Dad)人名;(孟、巴基、阿富)达德;(泰)达 短语 Dad Shoes 老爹鞋 ; 爸爸鞋 Hockey Dad 爸爸与曲棍球 Dear dad 好爸爸 ; 亲爱的爸爸 扩展资...
希望怎么说英文希望: 1. to wish for 2. to desire 3. to hope 其它相关解释: <hope> <esperance> <mayhap> <hopes> <hope for> <prospect> <pleasure> <wish> <want> <wish to goodness> <...
离职员工工资和年休假工资怎么做会计分录带薪休假的会计核算 (一)非累积带薪休假 由于非累积带薪休假不存在递延性,权利和义务不能结转下期,也就不存在未来某笔支出与当期职工的权利有关联,所以无须在年末将其作为一项负...
出纳和会计怎么对账出纳和会计怎么对账? 1)出纳的现金日记账和银行存款日记账与会计的现金总账与银行存款总账核对; 2)出纳日记账与库存现金核对。 出纳每个月的银行账单和现金账单怎么交割给会计?...
状态英文怎么说状态 状态[zhuàng tài] 词典 state; status; condition; state of affairs; estate 内战和饥荒使该国陷入了无政府状态。 Civil war and famine sent the nation plunging...
的英文在正式场合和非正式场合分别怎么说1、日常常用 (1)孩子用 Bye Bye (2)暗指将不会再见 Goodbye (3)非正式道别 bye (4)熟人之间非正式: See you. See you later! See ya. 2、比较地道的正式场合可用 (1)Have a...
请问国际经济与贸易专业出来工资待遇怎么样这个要看很多因素的,比如:就业城市、行业、你所从事的工作岗位、公司性质等等等等。 国际经济与贸易出来可以做单证、也可以做外贸销售,看你个人的性格适合做哪个来决定。 外贸...