Now, increasingly competitive, and to find a job is too difficult. Some people think that highly educated must be able to find a good job, because education can prove that a person has a good capacity. In addition, the company is now the interviews are generally required a high academic qualification, so that the highly educated is looking for a job a stepping-stone. Others would argue that education does not necessarily able to find a good job, and now the community talking about the working ability and efficiency, for example, some people had high academic qualifications, but his ability is very limited. In my opinion, although education does not necessarily allow you to find a good job, and when he can at least help you find a good job
如何找到好工作只有你不愿、不想做的工作,其实工作并不难找。的确专业对口的是有点难度,不妨多学会反问自己。当你纠正下列偏差就知道该怎么做了: 1、金融风暴和政府的措施对求职者有一定影响...
怎样找到好工作据美国有关机构调查,大多数青年人不知道自己要干什么. 想做什么,首先问五个问题:我要去哪里?我在哪里?我有什么?我的差距在哪里?我要怎么做? ??以上五个问题涵盖了目标、定位、条件、...
英语作文:给学校写信食堂干净饭好服务态度好!价格高种类Dear Mr.Principal, I am a student of our school.I,d like to say something about the canteen service in our school. There are 3 advantages of canteen service in...
关于英语外来词能否展开研究 ?哪个方向比较好按其起源划分,可分为本族词(native words)和外来词(loan words 汉语外来词 汉语 的外来词的形式有音译、音译加表意㠁音译与意译结合、直接借用四种主要堢式。 - 音译:直接按照原...