

02月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[买东西英语对话]原发布者:danc666啦啦啦 英语情景对话购物篇Reception接待 1.WhatcanIdoforyou? 你要些什么? 2.CanIhelpyou?我能帮你吗?(需要些什么?)3.Doyoufindanythingyoulike? 你找到你喜欢的吗...+阅读

假设A先生是顾客,B先生是老板A:I'm very satisfied with the quality,but I'm afraid the style is not to my taste.Do you mind to lower the price down,If I make the decesion to buy it?B:I'm glad you like the quality,you know,quality is the life of our pruduct.But as to style, we can make changs on it,and you also can tell us whant style you really want.Whatever,we will make you satisfied with it,too.Of course ,we also have pricediscount that is every 1000pairs 1 percent discont.Do you think is this ok ?...


英语的购物对话---Can I help you ? ----Yes,please.I want to buy some peaches. ----How about these?They are fresh and just newly arrived today. -----Mm,they look good.How much...

英语情景对话范文A:Hi! I haven't seen you for a long time? What have you been doing? B:Hei! I am working on an article about love. What do you think love is? A:Love? I think lov...


英语对话范例我长年和外交打交道 我们以前的外教 和我是朋友 我整天和他们聊 没想过钱这茬 下面是我的说法 不满意或者有什么问题 点在线交谈 1.练口语是因为我要参加托福考试。 I want...

英语对话小作文a---我 b---我的朋友 c---b的朋友 a:Hi,b!Long time no see,how are you recently? b:I'm fine.And you? a:Me,too.So,what's your plan for this weekend? b:I haven't mad...

英语问候对话!sherry:hello,May i speak to Julia? 你好,我能和Julia通话吗? Julia:hi.who's that? speaking please. 你好,请问你是谁?我就是。请说。 sherry:this is xxx,how's your feeling...

哲理的英语对话The wind and the sun were disputing who was the stronger. Suddenly they saw a traveler coming down the road. The sun said, "Whoever can make the traveler take of...

日常英语对话以及商务英语有哪些日常商务英语口语 状况1:第一次和客户见面 A:您好吗?Wise先生,很高兴认识您。 How do you do? Mr Wise. Glad to meet you! B:您好!李先生,我也很高兴认识您。 How do you do! Mr L...

什么是经贸英语英语(商贸英语方向) 培养目标:本方向培养具有较扎实的英语语言基础知识和深厚的英汉语言和文化背景知识,掌握国际贸易理论和经贸知识及技能;具备较出色的用英语从事商务活动的能...
