[深受启发的读书名言]1、读万卷书,行万里路。刘彝 2、黑发不知勤学早,白首方悔读书迟。颜真卿 3、书卷多情似故人,晨昏忧乐每相亲。于谦 4、书犹药也,善读之可以医愚。刘向 5、少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲...+阅读
A guiding principle of teaching in which teachers, in the teaching process based upon the objective laws of the teaching tasks and learning, take the actual level of the students as the starting point by using a variety of ways to focus on the inspiration of the students' thinking while mobilizing them with initiative and enthusiasm, prompting them to learn lively.
MBOmanagement by object目标管理的中英文定义解释英文定义: Management by objectives (MBO) is a systematic and organized approach that allows management to focus on achievable goals and to attain the best possib...
求body language的英文定义要指出什么是body language谢谢大家Body language is a term for communication using body movements or gestures instead of, or in addition to, sounds, verbal language or other communication. It for...
商务函电的英文定义business corresondence is letter which is used for delivering information and handle buisness affairs,contacting with eachothers in daily communication.the ofte...
市场失灵的定义Market Failure的定义巿场失灵是指巿场无法有效率地分配商品和劳务的情况。对经济学家而言,这个词汇通常用于无效率状况特别重大时,或非巿场机构较有效率且创造财富的能力较私人选择为佳时。另一方...
请问:科学的定义发展观的定义科学发展观的定义《辞海》对“科学”的解释 科学是运用范畴、定理、定律等思维形式反映现实世界各种现象的本质和规律的知识体系,是社会意识形态之一。 按研究对象的不同可分为自然科学、社会...
孟子启发性教学的原则有一、启发性教学原则的内涵 春秋时期教育思想家孔子曾经很形象生动的对启发性教学做过精辟的阐述,他说道:“不愤不启,不悱不发,举一隅不以三隅反,则不复也”[1]。后来孟子也有这样...
教学中的有效提问怎么定义最准确啊引导学生突破难点的提问 课堂提问把握时机最重要。非到学生“愤”、“悱”之时,不可轻易提问。因此要求教师熟悉教学内容、了解学生,准确把握教学难点,在课堂教学中还要洞察学...
科学发展观定义的英文翻译The scientific development concept usually refers to the third plenum of the Party's "people-oriented, establishing comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable de...
谁能告诉我任务型教学法的定义要英文The duty teaching is the teacher rests on the curriculum the overallgoal and the union course content, creatively the design draws closeto the student actual te...