

02月20日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语作文150字!急]With the developing of the society,the popularirity of the internet among the people increase rapidly. As a saying goes:"every coins has two sides".So does the in...+阅读

last weekend,My friends and i went to park,we had a picnic.It's good day,The sun appears her shy face. i and my friends looked all the grass and flowers has gone we saw the chemical factories pouring polluted water,so i want to say we should do something to protect our environment. At night we went home. 上面的答的是什么啊,连过去式都不用,连初二的都不如。不过挺符合题意的。


环境鸟语花香的公园人物 5岁的甜甜小学生秦刚 400字作文急公园里,繁花似锦,鸟语花香,绿树成荫,游人如织。秦刚和小伙伴们在假山旁做游戏,他们跳绳,打羽毛球,捉迷藏,玩得可开心了!好不容易熬到了放暑假,孩子们把爱玩的天性全部发挥出来。秦刚是...

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一篇关于国庆游玩英语作文 !平淡的的那种We take a holiday of 7 days because of the National Day.As we all know,October 1 is the National Day of China in Gregorian calendar. In the holiday I went to vi...

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