

02月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[50字短篇小故事]第一名 毕业典礼上,校长宣布全年级第一名的同学上台领奖,可是连续叫了好几声之后,那位学生才慢慢的走上台。 后来,老师问那位学生说:“怎麽了?是不是生病了?还是没听清楚?” 学生答:...+阅读

海的女儿 The year after this, another sister became fifteen. She went up to the top of the sea. But the water was cold and there was much snow everywhere on the land. She soon came back. The five sisters were very happy when they went to the top of the sea to look at ships, cities, and men. But they did not remember these things for long. Their own home soon began to look more beautiful than anything which they saw at the top of the sea or on the land. The five sisters went up to the to……


十个字内的渴望爱情说说你好,很高兴为你解答 儴 悲 伤 、 泛 滥 宬 灾 。 咱连三条腿的都看不上,更何况两条腿的。 我一生最美好的场景,就是遇见你。 我不敢说我还在等你,怕说出口会被否定。 本是昂贵...

万圣节英语小故事50字One story about Jack,an Irishman,who was not allowed into Heaven because he was stingywith his money.So he was sent to hell. 关于万圣节有这样一个故事。是说有一...

十个字内的生日短句有哪些1、前程似锦,美梦成真。 2、百事可乐,万事芬达。 3、生日快乐,天天开心。 4、生日快乐,人见人爱。 5、吉祥如意,欢天喜地。 6、健康如意,福乐绵绵。 7、生活如意,事业高升。 8、年...

幼儿英语简单的小故事Once there was a boy who lived on a farm. Every day he had to take his father's sheep to a hill. One day he tried to play a trick on the other people. He said t...

感恩小故事50字故事一: 一个天生失语的小女孩,从小和妈妈相依为命。在她们贫穷的家里,妈妈每天辛苦工作回来后给她带一块小小的年 糕,是她最大的快乐。 有一天,下着很大的雨,已经过了晚饭时间了,...

求!2分钟英语小故事哦中文简单第一篇The Thirsty Pigeon口渴的鸽子A PIGEON, oppressed by excessive thirst, saw a goblet of water painted on a signboard. Not supposing it to be only a picture,...

数学小故事50字数学陈景润的小故事 数学家陈景润边思考问题边走路,撞到一棵树干上,头也不抬说:“对不起、对不起。”继续思考。 数学家鲁道夫的小故事 16世纪德国数学家鲁道夫,花了毕生精力,把...

50字的小故事随手关上身后的门 ......英国前首相劳合·乔治有一个习惯——随手关上身后的门。 ......有一天,乔治和朋友在院子里散步,他们每经过一扇门,乔治总是随手把门关上。“你有必要把...

