[翻译软件带朗读的英文翻译软件]朗读就用 中英文朗读专家 吧 “中英文朗读专家”是一款可以朗读任何中英文文本的语音朗读软件。由于采用了剪贴板监视功能,所有能够拷贝进剪贴板的文本,都能通过此款软件来流...+阅读
2 one before running for safety guidelines
Check the equipment status and good condition, check the pipeline pressure gauge, button in the course of transportation is damaged, when one found fault and hydraulic system appears unusual noise, cut off the power supply to stop working and remove the faults, forbidden beyond the scope of the valve pressure test.
3. The electrical safety instructions
One three-phase four-wire, ac power: voltage 380 v, 50 Hz ac, control circuit voltage 220 v, 50 Hz ac: non-professional workers banned power control device to avoid dangerous touch. Because one more button, so remind the operators must attach great importance to the problem of security, not after learning the notes, it is strictly prohibited to mount guard.
Check the power supply is reliable grounding line, line diameter meets the requirements.
Check the power supply sequential is correct.
Check signal instructions is correct.
One, electrical malfunction, should first shut off the power and fault not relieved, and no one is allowed either.
Electrical maintenance personnel must be electrician operating rules wear electrician tools for insulation, there must be a special person to care about maintenance period, or in the power source for warning
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