

02月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[写给老师的一封信]亲爱的老师: 您好!感谢您牵着我们的手渡过了五个春秋,感谢您把我们从无知的世界带入知识的海洋,感谢您生活上给予我们的关怀,感谢您学习上给予我们的帮助。 是您帮助我们成长,是您...+阅读

A letter to my teacher Hezhou county a little the sixth grade five class leaves cocoa 敬爱的老师: Dear teacher: 您好!近来工作很忙吧?身体可好?自从上了六年级,功课负担重了许多,但却无法压抑我对您的思念,是您唤起了我对学习的孜孜追求。 Hello. Recent work is very busy? The body? Since the last of the sixth grade, the burden of heavy school work a lot, but can not suppress my missing to you, is you aroused my study diligently pursue. 老师,您有一颗爱生如子的心,您用平等的眼光看待每一名学生,无微不至地关怀、爱护我们。



总之,对于每一个学生,您都用满腔热情唤醒他们,让他们跟着您在知识的海洋里尽情遨游。 The teacher, you have a love for example heart, you use the equal view of every student, meticulous care, care for us. Safflower most clearly the most selfless, the birds know the vast sky, as your student, can understand your intentions. Those who be clever and sensible, lively and lovely students really liked, but those who are humble, poor self-control students is a class of " hind", they are mostly the rage and criticism. A class, it is by " good" and" bad" students of students, good students often received teacher's favor and trust;" bad" students often find the teachers do not understand and hate. You may be different, to those poor students, never sarcastic ridicule words to criticize them, against their enthusiasm, hurt their self-esteem, but they are good education, often encouraged; in class, you with honest kindly eyes watching them, listen to their voice; for the class to the timid and shy students, you will be particularly question, in fact, you are not deliberately and they go through, but doing exercise their courage, excavating their flashing temperature, let them progress. In short, for every student, you are enthusiastic to wake them, let them follow you enjoy traveling in the ocean of knowledge.


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写给老师的一封信正文时光荏2113苒,老师你还好吗? 老师,我想对你说:你的音容笑貌,你的举手投足,时常展现在我的眼前;你的关心,爱护,一直萦绕在我的脑海里;你的循循善诱,谆谆教导,至今铭记在我的心中;你和我们...

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写给新老师的一封信未来的老师: 您好! 在即将升入中学之际,我便开始在脑海中勾勒着未曾见面的您的声音容貌...... 曾听初中的姐姐们说,上了中学,就没了好日子过,基本上每个同学都被老师骂过。不过,我...
