

02月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[生活中常用的英文词组]After you. 您先。 2 Allow me. 让我来。 3 Any day will do. 哪一天都行。 4 Any messages for me? 有我的留言吗? 5 Anything else? 还要别的吗? 6 Are you sure? 你肯定吗? 7 A...+阅读


as because for for as much as by reason of in respect that since 最常用的: because [bi5kCz, bE5kCz, bi5kEz] conj. adv.因为 because [bI5kRz; (?) bI5kC:z] conj. 因为 I do it because I like it. 我做这件事是因为我喜欢。 He's called 'Ginger' because of his bright ginger hair. 他长着一头淡黄色的头发,因而被人叫着'黄毛'。 He eats because of greed, not hunger. 他不是因为饿了,而是因为贪嘴才吃的。 because AHD:[b¹-kôz“, -k¾z“] D.J.:[bi6k%8z, -6k(z] K.K.:[b!6k%z, -6k(z] conj. For the reason that; since. 因为为了…的原因;由于 Middle English 中古英语 *See Also : because of A traditional rule holds that the construction the reason is because is redundant, and should be avoided in favor of the reason is that. The usage is well established, however, and can be justified by analogy to constructions such as His purpose in calling her was so that she would be forewarned of the change in schedule or The last time I saw her was when she was leaving for college. All three constructions are somewhat less than graceful, however. · When because follows a negated verb phrase, it should be preceded by a comma when the because clause explains why the event did not occur. He didn't marry her, because she was frivolous means roughly, “Her frivolity was his reason for not marrying her.” When no comma is used, the because clause is understood as part of what is being negated. He didn't marry her because she was frivolous means roughly, “His reason for marrying her was independent of her frivolity.” 传统的原则认为结构 the reason is because太累赘,应避免,而赞同使用 the reason is that 。

这种用法被广泛地接受,并可以用类似的结构证明是正确的,如 他 呼唤她的目的是以便 她能预先知道时间安排的改变,或者 最近一次 我看见她是当 她正要去学院时。然而所这三种结构都有不够完美的地方。当 because跟着一个否定动词短语时,该在它前面加一个逗号来表示这个 because从句解释的是为什么这件事 没有发生。 他不娶她,因为她很轻浮。粗略的意思是, “她的轻浮是他不娶她的原因。”当没有用逗号时,这个 because从句被理解为被否定的部分。 他不娶她不是因为她轻薄,粗略的意思是,“他和她结婚的原因与她的轻薄无关。” See: as because [bi5kCz, bE5kCz, bi5kEz] conj. 因为 John didn't attend the meeting because he was ill. 约翰没有出席会议, 因为他病了。 B-he is tired, he does not want to go with us. 因为他太疲劳所以他不想和我们一起去。

I criticized him, not because I hate him but because I love him. 我批评他不是因为我恨他而是因为我爱他。 because of 因为; 由于; 为了(I didn't go out because of rain. 因为下雨, 所以我没有出去。)【说明】在 reason is 的后面, 人们常用 that [TAt] 而不用 because [bi5kCz, bE5kCz, bi5kEz] 开头的从句。 in respect that adv. 因为 respect [ris5pekt] n. 尊敬[重] [pl. ]敬意, 问候 重视, 关心, 考虑 着眼点, 方面 歧视 Show respect to those who are older. 尊敬长者。 We must pay respect to the needs of the general reader . 我们必须关心一般读者的需要。 I think you are wrong in every respect . 我觉得你各方面都错了。 They should do that without respect to race. 他们做那件事时不该有种族歧视。 respect [ris5pekt] vt. 尊敬 考虑, 重视, 关心 遵守, 不侵犯 关于 respect the ideas of others 尊重别人的意见 respect oneself 自重 respect the law 遵守 法律 respect privileges [property, neutral territory] 尊重[不侵犯]特权[所有权, 中立地带] R-yourself, or no one else will. [谚]人必自敬, 然后人敬之。

command respect 令人肃然起敬 give one's respects to 向...致候 have respect for 尊敬[重], 重视 have respect to 牵 涉到, 关系到 注意到, 考虑到 hold sb. in respect 尊敬某人 in all respects (=in every respect) 无论在哪方面[哪一点]来看, 在各方面 in many respects 在许多方面 in no respect 无论在哪方面[哪一点]都不是...; 完全不是... in one respect 在一个方面, 在一点上 in respect that 因为...; 如果考虑到... in respect to [of] 关于, 就...来说; 对...有影响的 in some respects 在某些方面 in that [this] respect 在那一[这一]方面 no respect of persons with 对...无所偏袒 out of respect for sb. 出于对某人的尊敬 pay last respects to 向(死者)告别 pay one's respects to sb. 向...请安[致敬]; 拜访 pay respect to 斟酌, 考虑, 关心 send one's respects to 向... 问候 show respect for 对...表示尊敬 win the respect of all 处处受人尊敬 with respect to 关于 without respect to [of] 不考虑..., 不管...


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