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[21世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册UNIT 8课文A翻译]8态度决定一切 杰瑞的心情总是很好,而且他总说些积极向上的话,如果有人问他最近如何,他会回答:“我好得不能再好了。” 他是个很独特的经理,因为当他从一家餐馆跳槽到另一家餐馆...+阅读



跪求新大学英语综合教程3 Part3翻译

I'm wangNan,a student of No.1 Middle School. I have a gooa friend,Jim.He' an USA girl.We are both in Class Two,Grade Eight.She is 15 years old,one year older than me. We both study hard.I'm good at physices,but she's good at math.We often help each other with lessons.Both of us like helping others. We both like sports very much.Jim enjoy playing basketball.but Ilike palying soccer. She likes green but Ilike red. Tough we are different in my ways,we are good friends


八 赛缪尔.伍德博士采访录 I was extremely close with my morher all my life..She was a brilliant eductor ,writer and wonderful woman. Sadly, shen was developed complications related to diabetes.When she lost her eyesight and most of her ability to walk,it was absolutely horrifying for me She passed away from a fall seven or eightyears ago.At her funeral,I swore that one day I'd do something about conditions like hers. 我一生与母亲无比亲密,她是一位卓越的教育家、作家,是一位了不起的女士。不幸的是,她患上了糖尿病引起的并发症。当她丧失视力和大部分行走能力时,我惊恐万分。七、八年前她摔了一脚,便离开人世。在她的葬礼上,我发誓有朝一日要为她那样的疾病做点什么。 Years passed and I read about the work the South Koreans had done with stem cells.In 2004 and 2005 Hwang WooSuk fraudulently repoted that he had succeededin creating human embryoniv stem cells by cloning.Back then it wasn't kown it was a fraud,so it was very excitinh to think that a long list of diseases could be treated. 时间一年年过去了,我读到了韩国人在干细胞方面所做的工作。

在2004和2005年之间,黄禹锡谎称他已通过克隆技术成功的培养出人类胚胎干细胞 当时人们并不知道那是造假,所以想到一长串疾病有望得到医治,人们兴奋不已。 I found the stem cell research company Stemagen with another gentleman whose father hand died of ALS.We went out for drinks one night and we started talking about our parents.We wanted to do something that would be a legacy.for them. 我与另一位先生共同创建了斯塔摩根干细胞研究公司。那位先生的父亲死于肌萎缩性侧索硬化。一天晚上我们出去小酌,讨论起我们的父母,我们想做点什么,以此作为他们身后留下的遗产。 是福是祸?For Better or Worse? The moment we diceded to start Stemagen,I read all there was to read about the various cloning efforts in the past.The cloned sheep Dolly in 1997was very interesting,but at that stage people were not focusing on the stemcell aspect of cloning;they were focusing on the reproductive possibilities of cloning. 一决定创建斯塔摩根干细胞研究公司,我就阅读了有关以往各种克隆实验的所有资料。

1997年的克隆羊多利引起了人们极大的兴趣。但在那个时候,人们关注的不是克隆技术的干细胞层面,而是其无性繁殖的可能性问题。 Human reproductive cloning is just simply wrong ethically from a medical standpoint and a scientific standpoint,even ignoring any religious issues associated with it.The reason is that the majority of reproductive clones in other species are actually abnormal,with very high miscarriage rates,very high stillbirth rates,fetal anomalie,death soon after birth,et cetera. 从医学和科学的角度来看,克隆人在伦理道德上就是错误的,即便不去理会其相关的宗教问题,其原因在于其它物种的无性繁殖个体事实上大多数都是畸形的,流产率很高,死亡率也很高,胎儿畸形,出生不久就夭折,如此等等。 It would just be absolutely wrong to take a human being and put them through what may well involve significant suffering for really no good end.Even though people could take the techniques that we've developed and attenp to do it(or perhaps even be successful doing it),we hope that they would not. 让人经受极有可能遭到巨大痛苦的事,却又得不到什么好结果,那是绝对错误的。

即使有人能够利用我们研发的技术,并且试图付诸实践(也许可能成功),我们还是希望他们不要那么做。 On the other hand,therapeutic cloning does not involve any type of risk to human life and actually provides tremendous potential for the relief of suffering inreal human beings who are going through some awful things. 从另一方面来说,治疗性的克隆技术不牵涉任何人对人生命的威胁,还能真正为正在经受痛苦的人们提供缓解痛苦的极大的可能性。 I'm a pure scientist in some ways,and I know that manyvdifferent studies or findings could be used for evil.Our job as scientist is to make the most of this technology and make it available to the greatest number of other scientists who can help us do good things with it.There's really no effective way for an individual scientist to stop someone else from using the knowledge for something they should't. 在某种程度上,我是一个纯粹的科学家,可我知道种种研究或发现可能被用来做邪恶的事。

作为科学家 我们的工作是充分利用这一技术,并且使之尽可能被多的其他科学家掌握,帮助我们做好事。对于科学家个人而言,其实没什么行之有效的方法可以阻止他人将知识用到他们不该用的地方。 We need to be honest aboutthe techniques that we used.They need to be able to be replicated by other people,and s9,we are providing a roadmap.I would hope that the legislation that's in place and the hreat public disapproval ...

21世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册UNIT 8课文A翻译







不久,我来开了餐饮业,开始自己创业,我们失去了联系。不过,每当我面临着人生中的抉择时,我就会想起他。几年后,我听说有一次杰瑞忘了关后门,强盗乘机进门抢劫,杰瑞受到枪击,严重受伤,幸运的是,人们很苦发现了杰瑞,赶紧将他送到了当地的医院,经过了18个小时的手术和好几个星期的特护,杰瑞终于出院了。此事发生6个月后 ,我见到了杰瑞,我问他感觉如何,他回答说,“好得不能再好,想看看我的伤疤吗?”



“我知道我必须采取行动。” “你怎么办?”我问。“嗯,护士问我是否对什么过敏,”杰瑞说,“我回答,是的,这时医生和护士都停下了手中的工作,等待我的回答,我大声说,子弹。”

“在他们的笑声中,我告诉他们,我要活下去,给我动手术吧,把我当成活人,别把我当做死人。” 由于医生高超的医术,更是由于他积极乐观的人生态度,杰瑞终于活了下来。从杰瑞的身上,我懂得了,我们可以选择充实地过好每一天。最终,态度决定一切。


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