[求5句简单的求职英语对话和5句简单的离别对话]求职 A: Hello Mr.John, please tell us why should we hire you? B: Hello Mr.Smith, I can state that I have ten years of experiences of working in this business an...+阅读
一下 你就知道 英语口语对话 其实在很多地方都可以进行的 如果你是学生 那非常好办 有条件就去找英文老师 多聊天 他/她一定也会很开心你这么积极 当然外教更好 有外教的话就首选外教 另外 如果你不是学生了 可以去那些培训班跟老师们聊天 去屈臣氏拿优惠券(会员的) 可以免费上他们的课程 或者 你就直接去美联英语之类的那些英文培训班 你就装作你要报名 表示出兴趣 他会先给你安排课程的 反正你能练一次算一次 或者 你经济允许的话 那更好了 就直接报名咯 因为我觉得如果你可以找到的话 早就去了 也不会在这里问 其实途径非常多 不要光图简单快捷 学英语需要付出很多的 经济条件非常好的话 自制和控制能力也很不错的话 强烈推荐出国学习 或者只是出国观光旅游 都可以学到很多东西 至于口语 在买东西搭车这些时候就已经不知不觉练到很多了 不用担心
Almost everyone says that it is not good for playing cell phones in class, but every thing both has two sides. I think we can play it when we finish our tasks, to ralax ourselves. Rembmber that do not play too much.
关于Dare to dream, dare to do.的
Dare to do what you dream, and do the best that you can. We all know that everything is possible. Just be brave, you can! You can get it !
简单的英语求职小对话1) May I come in? 我可以进来吗? 2) How are you doing, Mrs. Smith? 你好,史密斯女士。 3) Excuse me. May I see Mrs. Smith? 对不起,我可以见史密斯女士吗? 4) Miss Wu? Wil...
求英语小对话简单的。。。R: hello Mary, where have you been lately? M: Hai, Rose, I am busy learning music in the school musical club. R: that is great, what instrument are you learning...
简单的英语两人对话每人十到二十句左右谢谢啦!面试经典问答(一): Q: Why would you be particularly good at this business? A: I was a pastry chef, so I understand dessert products well and can help you with new p...
简单英文对话?A: Hello, my friend. How's going? B: Everything's good. Do you read any book these days? A: Oh, yeah. Do you know?(爱丽思梦游仙境) B: Yes, I have read it yet. The...
简单的英语小对话Maria: Hello, is Allen there? Allen: Yes, this is Allen. Maria: Hi Allen! Would you like to go to the zoo with me tomorrow? Allen: Sure! I would love to! Maria:...
英语口语对话要求2人对话 2分钟左右话题与collegefoodsportsA:Hi,my name is Lily,I'm your deskmate B:Hello,I am Amy.nice to meet you! A:Nice to meet you,too!...oh...what's this!Yao Ming's picture! B:Yes,I like him very m...
口语测试求简单对话 2分钟左右A:嗨,我的名字是莉莉,我是你的同桌 B:您好,,我Amy.nice,以满足你! A:很高兴见到你! ...哦......这是什么!姚明的图片! B:是的,我很喜欢他!我喜欢打篮球呢! A:真的吗?我也喜欢篮球,姚明是我的偶...
关于音乐的英语口语对话——hey,buddy! (拍肩膀) hey!what r u doing ? ——oh, sorry, I'm listening to Justin Bieber on my ipod. ——Justin Bieber? who is this guy? ——I can't believe you...
跪求英语对话!跪求一段有关外贸英语的对话你好,答案仅供参考! A: Hey guys, want to go shopping in Guangzhou? For the latest fashion out there? B: Ye sure, Guangzhou is my favourite place to shop, what abou...