

03月09日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[我的理想当一名医生]每一个人都有自己美好的梦想,而我想的梦想就是做白衣天使---医生。 我知道医生这个职业可以说很危险但是又能说很轻松。我曾经听过这么一个感人的故事:在非典时期,这种病毒把中...+阅读


范文没有 我给你写几句。我是英语专业的 I am a doctor. I am confident that I will be a good one, I do want to help others and this makes me happy. I know that I am laking in a lot of relavant knowledge in this field, so I want to make progress., I want to study the following knowledge:123And I made a planfirst,secondthirdforthfinally(obove all, in a word) 医学的东西我不太懂 所以没法帮你。...

急需一英语自我说明医学院影像专业 20岁女爱好睡懒觉羽毛

I am glad to be here to make myself acquainted. I am 2o years old now. I graduated from a medical college with a major in Imaging, which I love very much. Besides, I love sleeping late in the morning on holiday, and playing badminton with my friends in our free time. I love my friends very much, who always bring much joy and fulfilment. I want to know more people and make my work finished well. I will appreciate your consent. Thank you for your time.





Many Chinese who pursue traditional concepts will be astonished by the appearance of male nurses. As a matter of fact, however, gender is no longer a barrier hindering Chinese men from joining the nursing field.I'm Xu Lingzhi ,17-year-old,is studying nursing at Harbin's Secondary Health School. When I was in primary school and middle school, boys and girls accounted for 50% respectively in class, but now only two out of 50 students in my class are boys. This made me feel uneasy when I just started my study here and many of my relatives and friends regard male nurse strange.My name is Steven CheungI hold a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. The course has provided me the formal training necessary to be a nurse.Besides, I possess ten years of extensive experience ranging from Nursing Assistant to Nursing Supervisor at XYZ Hospital. My responsibilities include patient assessment and staff development, as well as the coordination of other health care services suchas dietary, food nutrition, physical therapy and pharmacy.I believe my strong clinical background and experience make me a valuable asset to your hospital. I would be pleased to attend an interview.下面一



医生个人述职报告范文各位领导,各位同事,大家好: 首先感谢大家能用一颗认真的心来听我的述职报告,希望各位会因为我的报告而有一个好心情。 2010年对于我来说,是成长的一年,也是收获的一年。作为一名护...

医生进修申请书范文-----------------------------------------进修申请 ----------------------------- 尊敬的XX院长: 我是XX科的XX,XX年参加工作,多年来,本人勤勤恳恳,刻苦钻研业务,对本专业的常...

医生表扬信范文给医院医生的表扬信 感谢xxx的妇科主治医生 : ,,,,我是一名来自xx市的xxx病患者在2月13日从塞外来到京城,抱着试看的心情来到xx总院,当我来到八病区首先接待我们的是妇科主治医生xx...


我的理想是当一名医生450字每个人的心中,都不能缺少梦想,它就像是一缕阳光,照耀着你的心灵,让你充满动力,并带着这个动力成长。 而我的梦想就是成为一名医生。帮助正在受病魔困扰的病人脱理困境!让他们重新...

急求英语说明文范文How To Be Happy By Matt Farr At the airport bookstore, there are only about a dozen freestanding shelves of books. It's Darwinian selection at its most brutal:...

英语说明文如何做一名受欢迎的学生范文But Carter Druse had fallen asleep. Suddenly, as if a messenger of fate came to touch him on the shoulder, the young man opened his eyes. As he lifted his head,...

跪求关于医生是否该对病人说谎的英语作文Do you agree or disagree that we should never tell lies to others? As the saying goes: honesty is the best policy. Yet, I fully agree that sometimes it is bette...
