

03月11日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[亲情小品《买衣服》]亲情话剧 买 衣 服 主要人物:爸、儿子(小华) 开幕: 1 《伤感音乐》背景音乐 老板:(拿出两百块钱)一斤白菜一块,两百斤就两百块。 爸:老板,上个月一斤白菜批发价一块三的?今个月怎才一块...+阅读


B :这种衬衫有小号的吗? A : Let me check. Yes, we have. A :我给你找找。是的,我们有的。 B : May I try it on? B :我可以试穿吗? B :我在找一种黑色的皮包。 A : How's this? A :这个怎么样? B : I'm just looking B :我只看看。 A : Do you want to buy something here? A :您想买些什么吗? B : These shoes are great! B :这双鞋真漂亮! B : What is the price of this? B :这个多少钱? A : This one is eight hundred dollars. A :这个800 美元。 B : That 's too much! B :怎么这么贵!


A: hello,what can i do for you

B: could i see a new-style pants,please?

A: yes,of course.what do you think of this style? It's just from Shanghai.

B: this one? It's good,but i don't think it fits me.I prefer sonmething wider.May I see that one please?

A: sure.here you are.

B: oh,it's too tight around the bottom,but a bit wide in the waist.It seems that i have to go on diet.

A: do you like this casual style? how about this one? It's made of cotton,but it keeps its shape well.

B: it fits me fine.I always slacks except for some special occasions.










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