

03月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[急求一份中英文产品说明书]Wireless cuckoo clock Instructions: 1. Turning the miniute hand of host clock parts to 12:30, then remove the back cover of the host clock and insert the “D”...+阅读


Good teachers! First of all, I would like to thank Seoul National University for giving me this opportunity to come here for job interviews. My name is. . . 19-year-old. I come from a small coastal Chinese city I was born in a happy family, the father is the director of the mother is a teacher. Because very interested in Korean, so I choose to come to Korea. After almost a year of the Korean life, I almost fell in love with here. If you can get into the Seoul National University, I would be very happy and honored!

In the secondary when I physical Electrical very interested in, so I would like to e-learning professionals. But I think Science is the challenge, give vitality! After want to be a good engineer. Once I entered the undergraduate, I will work hard to learn English, Korean and English expertise. I will treasure this opportunity, thank you!




1、honest love:诚实的爱 ; 爱要坦荡荡。

2、honest report:真实报道。

3、be honest in:在……方面诚实。



1、To be honest

2、Let me be honest

3、Honestly speaking

换了三遍都还是 honest,这样真的太单调了,一旦对话过长,就让人觉得味同嚼蜡。其实英语口语中还有个有趣的说法,叫 level with sb. 同样是表示“对人讲实话”、“对人开诚布公”。

To level with someone means to be honest with someone, especially after having been deceitful or not completely truthful or forthcoming.

对某人 level with 的意思就是对某人讲实话,尤其是在本来骗了他或者没有对他完全诚实之后。



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