

03月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[经典台词短信1]经典台词短信1 经典台词短信:我要当件衣衫,可以整天包(抱)着你;我要当个热水袋,可以整天烘(哄)着你;我要当碗暖汤,溶于你的口中也融于你的心中。 ·思念就像巧克力,苦苦的,甜甜的…...+阅读


Stanley Ipkiss:(looking wistfully at the poster of Tina)She'll never be mine...


(He turns and sees the mask lying on the sofa. Slowly, he walks over to it and holds it... )


Stanley Ipkiss: (throwing it over the sofa)No way.


(Walks away, then jumps over the sofa)



Mask, The (1994) by Mark Verheiden. Final draft. EXT. HIGH SEAS - DAY The dragonhead prow of an ancient Viking ship cuts through the thick fog of the rough North Atlantic Sea.MUSIC EXPLODES: WAGNER'S "GOTTERDAMMERUNG" (Twilight of the Gods) SUPERIMPOSE: THE TENTH CENTURY A.D.EXT. BOW OF THE SHIP - DAY Viking explorer LEIF ERICSON carefully studies his fob compass as he dangles it above a parchment map. His SAILORS steal nervous looks at a large, diabolical-looking IRON BOX in the hold.OLAF, a fierce, one-eyed Viking warrior approaches Ericson. NOTE: Dialog is in OLD NORSE, with SUBTITLES) OLAF Leif, let's do the deed before another night falls. The crew's near mutiny.Ericson draws his broadsword with a flourish.LEIF ERICSON Know this! The first man to turn will taste my steel in his guts.OLAF But we've surely gone far enough.ERICSON That accursed box must be thrown off the edge of the world. We will go until we can go no more...Suddenly there is an ear-splitting SCREECH and the entire boat rocks violently as it runs aground.The LOOKOUT is thrown from his crow's nest... and CRASHES straight through the deck right in front of Ericson. His pained voice floats up from the black hole.LOOKOUT...Land ho.Ericson wheels about just as the fog parts off the starboard bow.ERICSON'S P.O.V.A beautiful rustic coastline stretching off as far as the eye can see.LEIF(gasps) By Odin's beard...EXT. THE NEW WORLD - A HARBOR - SUNSET Olaf finishes digging a hole in the sand. He backs away, terrified, as burly Vikings, led by Ericson, muscle the IRON BOX over to the hole and quickly bury it. Ericson turns to an exotic-looking Eurasian WITCH.ERICSON Be quick, Witch. Let the deed be done.............详细看参考资料


It would go without saying that The Mask is one of Jim Carrey's most memorable movies,and with just that in mind,it makes sense that so many people like this.

There's a lot to enjoy about this movie,the movie itself is good and doesn't take itself too seriously,the largest indicator of this being that there are several cartoon references and likenesses and while being full of action,it's also quite funny.

The story is enjoyable and comes to a decisive end.The fact that it was nominated for a Razzie doesn't matter; many people like surreal movies,and this is truly one of the best,if not the definitive best.


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