[英语专业考研英美文学]大一其实还早啊……我们系大一就想考研和现在真正去考研的已经换了一批人了…… 当然现在就立志要考研也不是什么坏事 而想把自己这门学科学好从大一就有很多事情需要做 我...+阅读
《德伯家的苔丝》悲剧成因探析AbstractThomas Hardy was a famous critical realistic writer at the turn of the 19th century in England; Tess of the D'Urbervilles is the most influential one of all his works. This novel describes a tragic life about one beautiful and pure girl after disgrace. The article describes the society environment, then begins to analysis of characters' personality and religion factors open out at that time. Tess's tragic life is caused by that society and it's the result of that time. Except this, it can't be separated from her own weakness in character, because she obviously has the dual nature of the society character---resistance and compromise. As a common person, Tess fought with the society helplessly. In the end, she turned out to be the sacrificial victim of society like all other things which disobey the morality and ethic.Key WordsTess's Tragedy; Social Environment; Family Environment; Moral ethic; Character 摘 要托马斯.哈代是19世纪英国著名的批判现实主义作家,《德伯家的苔丝》是他最为有影响力的一部巨著。
该小说主要讲述了一个美丽纯真的少女失身后悲惨的命运。文章通过对小说中社会环境的描写,再从人物性格和当时的宗教原因着手,由此揭露出苔丝悲惨的命运是那个社会所造成的,是一个时代思想,传统,秩序的局限所造成的结果。除此之外,这与她自身性格的弱点也是分不开的,因为她对命运有着反抗的一面也有妥协的一面。所以,作为普通人的苔丝与当时社会的抗争是无助的,最终会像所有一切与道德伦理相悖的事物一样,被沦为社会的牺牲品。 关键词苔丝的悲剧; 社会环境; 家庭环
i am up, and she is down, we are into high 潮 together.At last.英文作文---921地震
What I was doing when the 921 earthquake happened... So.?
In the 921 earthquake, I and my girlfriend are together.., up and down.
The earthquake is more and more big, doing love., and we are more and more excited.
Though my girlfriend says no no no.... together, we are up and down. That day.I know her heart says yes yes yes... We are on the bed., we are the happiest day
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