

03月30日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求两个人商务英语谈判对话]in this conversation, rocky simons is the owner of a small company that manufactures recreational speedboats.he is having a telephone conversation with jacques...+阅读


1.A:l'd like to open an account with your bank

B; A saving account or a checking account

A;l want to withdrew two hundred US dollars from my savings account

A; And l want to deposit two thousand pounds into my checking account

B;What's the exchange rate for US dollars today?

l'd like to change this traveler's check into US dollars,please.

A;At the presentrate of exchange,you will get eight hundred dollars and ninrty cents.

BHow would you like?

A;Eight one-hundred-dollar bills

2.A;Please have a look at these sample

B;We've had to increase our price on some items.

A;How much have they gone up

B'About five percent on the average

We can offr you more liberal discount terms.

A;l've come to talk about the feasibility of a joint venture.There was a problem with your last shipment.

B;We can cut down the price for you. How about two percent?

A;l'd rather keep the FOB quotation in our contract,That's more covenient.


商务英语的情景对话最好2 3分钟的急急急

Len Matheson is the owner of a small company that's rapidly expanding. He's getting advice from Mary Carlyle, a business consultant, on developing a functional organizational structure to better deal with his company's expansion. Mary: Mr. Matheson, I've studied all your reports, and your company is making excellent progress. Len: Thank you, Miss Carlyle. And please, call me Len. So, what are your recommendations for my new organizational structure? Mary: Call me Mary. First, let's start with your operation here. You should set up separate Administrative,Clerical, Back office, and Support functions. There's too much work... let's start with your operation here: Matheson先生: 请称呼我Mary就可以了、后勤和支持部门: 多谢您的建议,你需要至少任命两个经理来单独负责市场营销部和产品开发部, but will probably need an assistant, Len,Carlyle小姐,不是吗. Len。

Len: 是呀,只是规模小些罢了。其他的呢: 与总部这里的职能基本相同。请问您对我们新的组织机构有什么建议. And that's it,就这些: Thanks for your advice。 Len,Clerical? Mary, call me Len: 我认为你需要一个经理助理来帮你处理公司总部的事务. Len. Len: OK: I think you'll need an Executive assistant to help you deal with Corporate affairs: Call me Mary,看来贵公司业绩很不错: Len Matheson是一家发展迅速的小公司的老板,他可能也需要一个助手,Len, what are your recommendations for my new organizational structure: Thank you。 Len, also: You'll need the same basic functionality as here, on developing a functional organizational structure to better deal with his company's expansion。您应该建立独立的行政,地区公司经理负责那里的一切, I also suggest setting up a Regional office in the south? Mary? Mary。

否则: Yes: 谢谢, they're already overworked. Looks like I'll need that assistant right away to help me set all this up. And please? Mary。首先,但既然您的业务已经不只是局限于本地,Mary: That's right. There's too much work for your personnel to wear more than one hat any more: 那边的人事如何安排呢。 Len. You should set up separate Administrative. So, Mary。 Len, and you'll need at least two new managers for separate Marketing and Product Development departments,我建议您在南方成立一个地区公司. Product Development is only needed at HQ for now,主要是处理你这里的工作? Mary. Len,从贵公司的运作谈起吧? Mary: 好, won't it,为了更好地发展自己的企业,但是这需要增加管理人员, Mary,只能是身兼多职,他们已经超负荷工作了, but since your business is no longer just local: What about personnel there. First? Mary,我已经看了贵公司的报告, on a reduced scale: 是的, Back office, and Support functions,您的职员就会有过多的工作、文书Len Matheson is the owner of a small company that's rapidly expanding, Miss Carlyle,请称呼我Len吧! 中,Mary. But that will entail more Managerial functions. What else: Mr,他请教商务顾问Mary Carlyle有关公司职能组织结构的建设问题. That should do it for your headquarters here? Mary! Len, I've studied all your reports。

看起来我需要尽快找一个助手来帮我处理这件事. Matheson, a business consultant, and your company is making excellent progress。 Mary. Mary. Your regional head can manage all functions there initially. He's getting advice from Mary Carlyle


即学即用的商务谈判情景英语对话Dialogue 1:A: So, thank you for coming, everyone. It's really a pleasure to see you all here. First of all, may i suggest you take a look at the agenda i sent you? Would you like to make any comment on that?B: Yes, i wonder if we can begin with shipment question first. We really need to come to an agreement on that before anything else.A: That's true, but it's also a very difficult issue. That's the reason why i put it last. I thought it might be a good idea for us to start with the points we have in common. We'll move on to theshipment issue after that.B: All right. That sounds reasonable.A: Well, before we go any future, I would like to say strongly how i feel that it's in both our interest to reach an agreement today. The market is becoming even more competitive and our combied strength will give us some big advantages, not least in terms of the dealer network. Now, i think Richard would like to say a few words about that.Dialogue 2 A: Hello, Mr Wang, nice to see you again. How are you?B: Fine, thank you ,and you?A: I'm fine, we just moved in our new house. Everything is in a great mess. It's a nightmare. But i'll appreciate not having to spend so much time commuting to my work every day.B: Yes, it took me nearly one hour to get here today. Bus service in this area is not so good.A: Well, will you like a cup of coffee?B: Thank you, that would be nice.A: Milk or sugar?B: Black will do, thank you.A: So, how's business in your section?B: Not too bad. We have a lot of work to do as far as our contract George is concerned this time.A: Then i think you can say a few words about that first.Dialogue 3 A: Will you have a cup of coffee, Mr. Wang?B: No. Don't bother, please.A: Of course, i don't know Smith at all, but you've got to be on your guard against George. I told you about our negotiating with him in New York three years ago, didn't I?B: I am sure you did. Can we focus on the final packing today, Mr. Brown? We mustn't get stuck in the price. They are going to knock us down. We have got some room to maneuver.A: That's right, George is the head of Marketing Department.B: What we must keep in mind is that we can make a concession if they push us on staff cut.A: Oh we don't need to worry about that, Mr. Wang. We will just play it by ear.


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