

03月30日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[关于购物的英语对话]A: Could you tell me how much it is?(您能告诉我这个的价格是多少吗?)B: In the neighbourhoud of $ 500.(500美元左右。)A: That's way too much money.(价格太贵了。)B: We ca...+阅读


A: What are you going to do in the future? B: I do not know. Possible, I want to be a teacher. A: sounds difficult. Teachers can only get that wage. B: Yes. But I love children and I love to live with children, so I like to teach. A: Oh. But you have to realize how you intend to? B: TU…… learning efforts, admitted to a famous university. You? A: TU…… I want to change the rich. I want to be a boss. B: Oh. So how do you achieve your dream? A: I have to study hard. Then to Tsinghua University majoring in economic management. B: Oh. Then? A: Then find a part-time job and save some money. Since then, I will have to open a company to make money. B: Let us dream together for our efforts!


A:Hello,B, good afternoon

B:Hi,A,good afternoon.

A:B,would you ever think about the furture.

B:Oh,yes i made a plan when i was a child,i want to be a lowyer,i like to do something to help people who really need .what about you

A:wow,i like to be a professinal football player,i really like the football very much

B:Yeah ,i know that there is one secret to be sucess,that must be hard work

A:OH ,yes,i couldnt agree with you more,let us woke hard together

关于未来工作的英语对话 5个人一个旁白初三的

旁白:a,b,c and d are on their way home ,and they are talking about their ideal jobs in the future.(a=Jack,b=Tom,c=Greg,d=Helen)

a:Hi,guys,what do you want to do in the future?

b:I want to become a doctor.


b: Because doctors can save people's lives. What about you,c?

c:I'd like to become an English teacher.

d:What for?

c:An English teacher can lead the students to know the world.And how about a and d?

a: I hope I can become a scientist so that I can make rockets.

d:I wish to be a driver.


I think, in the coming 50 , we can have a conversation with the animal, a part of human already live in moon; the robots work for human being; human being make a lot of already extinct animal having revived, and invent one kind of implement which more environmental protection replace automobile. In the future we will be lively more well.


求关于安全的英语对话Son: Mum, I have to go out to play with my friends.Mum: Okay, who do you play with.Son:oh,Tom,Mike and Mary.Mum: What do you want to play?Son: The weather is co...

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