[翻译成英文收入证明]This is to certify that Mr. XX Wang, male, born in XX of XXXX, has been the general manager of XX real estate development company from Feb 1999 up to now, with...+阅读
Through field experiment, this paper studied the tobacco waste organic manure and NPK chemical fertilizer on maize growth period, soil microorganism and soil enzyme and the effect of the test results show that the type of organic manure and NPK fertilizers can improve tobacco waste soil culturable microorganism quantity and soil microbial biomass C and N content and the activity of soil enzymes. To culturable microorganisms the largest number of tasseling stage, for example, three kinds of organic and inorganic fertilizer treatment compared with the pure fertilizer processing treatment, soil culturable bacteria number increased by 11.64%, 13.02% and 16.98 respectively, soil culturable fungi amount is increased by 4.82%, 3.28% and 5.77%, respectively, soil culturable actinomycetes number increased by 13.43%, 9.64% and 11.55%, respectively, soil culturable azotobacter number is increased by 1.48%, 2.92% and 0.41%, respectively, soil microbial biomass C increased by 0.72%, 1.20% and 1.21%, respectively, soil microbial biomass N were increased by 2.61%, 4.00%, 2.61%; On soil enzyme activity of the highest spinning stage, the three kinds of organic and inorganic fertilizer treatment than pure fertilizer soil urease activity increased by 7.74%, 9.02% and 3.91%, respectively, soil catalase activity increased by 6.20%, 43.28% and 7.85% respectively, soil acid phosphatase activity increased by 4.48%, 5.03% and 4.48% respectively. Each period index, three kinds of organic and inorganic fertilizer treatment to M2 (tobacco waste type organic fertilizer instead of 10% pure nitrogen chemicals) has a better performance.
做某项技巧动作及演唱前的准备状态, 叫做“起范儿”。 如果对要领掌握不牢固, 临场犹豫, 造成差错, 叫做“恍范儿”范儿--亦称“份儿”,个人品位等。 指京剧演员唱念做打的技巧要领和窍门,或是方法,只可意会不可言传。 PS:现在的范儿也有风格的意思,一般前面会带一个字或词、行为、或是在某种风格中特别不错的意思,有点相近于“气质”、“有情调”的意思。 例如一个演员没有很好地完成某项技巧动作, 或是没有唱好,可以说他范儿不对,用别的词来形容还真有点费劲。 范儿也有在打扮方面的意义,或是没有掌握好范儿,“晃范儿”。或者潮范儿,能给人留下深刻印象,就是指穿着比较嘻哈。 【北京方言】 北京话"范儿"就是"劲头""派头"的意思,就是指在外貌,用来形容明星的风格。
小人物翻译成英文1、zilch 零,没有;微不足道的事物(或人), 小人物 2、worm 可翻成蠕虫 也可释意为小人物 比如:You miserable worm.(你这个可怜虫) 3、Jack-a-Lent 小玩偶, 小人物 4、pipsqueak 矮小...
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