[太阳出来喜洋洋串词]范文一: 太阳出来啰喂 喜洋洋啰 挑起扁担啷啷扯啷扯 上山岗啰哎 太阳出来啰喂 喜洋洋啰 挑起扁担啷啷扯啷扯 上山岗啰哎 手里拿把锣哎 开山斧啰 不怕豺狼啷啷扯啷扯 不怕虎...+阅读
10 Minutes-InnaRock your body' c'mon everybodySomebody stop me' when I dance I'm losing controlYou see me yo' this is stereoI wanna hear my song one time on the radioRock your body' c'mon everybodySomebody stop me' when I dance I'm losing controlYou see me yo' this is stereoI wanna hear my song one time on the radioI'm gonna do this step back step do it anyway got to feel your lovingI'm gonna break even the law of the gravity to see you in the morningLet me see your body move on the floor like ten minutes agoShake shake shake your body'move on the floor like ten minutes agoWinning in every place cuz your my lucky ace'dj turn tthe base' winning in every place cuz ur my lucky aceeverybody do it turn on the floorO YeahI'm gonna do this step back step do it anyway got to feel your lovingI'm gonna break even the law of the gravity to see you in the morningLet me see your body move on the floor like ten minutes agoShake shake shake your body'move on the floor like ten minutes agoWinning in every place cuz your my lucky face'DJ turn off the bass O YeahWinning in every place cuz your my lucky face'everybody do it turn on the floorO YeahRock your body' c'mon everybodySomebody stop me' when I dance I'm losing controlYou see me yo' this is stereoI wanna hear my song one time on the radioLet me see your body move on the floor like ten minutes agoShake shake shake your body' move on the floor like ten minutes agoWinning in every place cuz your my lucky face'DJ turn off the bassWinning in every place cuz your my lucky face'everybody do it turn on the floorO Yeah !
喜洋洋羊年春联过佳节方知红日暖 度阳春倍觉党恩深 立志当怀虎胆驰骋 求知莫畏羊肠扶摇 绿草如茵羊盈瑞气 红桃似火猴沐春风 时雨春风五羊献穗 尧天舜日百凤朝阳 送马年春花融白雪 迎羊岁...
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燃烧吧蔬菜歌词你好 歌词: 西红柿洋葱头 谁最乖 胡萝卜大白菜 各有所爱 青笋土豆辣椒排一排 今天到底谁是我的菜 小伙伴老朋友一起来 小萝莉小正太一起摇摆 好孩子爱运动爱吃菜 长大以后就...
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