[亡羊补牢成语接龙]亡羊补牢成语接龙: 亡羊补牢 牢骚满腹 腹背之毛 毛骨耸然 然荻读书 书缺有间 间不容缓 缓兵之计 计日可待 待价而沽 沽名钓誉 誉不绝口 口不择言 言不及义 义愤填膺 膺箓受图...+阅读
When the calf is stolen, the farmer mends the stall. 亡羊补牢,犹为未晚。 We should avoid locking the stable door after the horse has bolted. 我们应该避免亡羊补牢。 Lock the barn after the horse is stolen. 贼去关门;亡羊补牢。 Shut the barn after the horse is stolen. 贼去关门;亡羊补牢。 Never too old to learn, never too late to turn. 亡羊补牢,为时未晚。 To shut the stable door when the steed is stolen. 亡羊补牢,贼去关门。 It is not too late to mend the fold even after some of the sheep have been lost. 亡羊补牢,犹未为晚。 Lock the stable door after the horse has been stolen. 贼去关门。;亡羊补牢未为晚矣。 After Mary failed the examination she said she would study hard after that. She wanted to lock the barn door after the horse was stolen. 玛丽考试没及格,她说她一定努力学习,她要亡羊补牢。
GO to the police and tell what you have done. You should know the importance of locking the barn door after the horse was stolen. 到警察局去自首,你应该知道亡羊补牢的重要性。
1. When the calf is stolen, the farmer mends the stall. 亡羊补牢,犹为未晚。e799bee5baa6e4b893e5b19e31333335313863 来源: dj.iciba.com 2. We should avoid locking the stable door after the horse has bolted. 我们应该避免亡羊补牢 来源: dj.iciba.com 3. Lock the stable door after the horse has been stolen. 亡羊补牢未为晚矣。 来源: dj.iciba.com 4. Never too old to learn, never too late to turn. 亡羊补牢,为时未晚。 来源: dj.iciba.com 5. To shut the stable door when the steed is stolen. 亡羊补牢,贼去关门。 来源: dj.iciba.com 6. It is not too late to mend the fold even after some of the sheep have been lost. 亡羊补牢,犹未为晚。 来源: dj.iciba.com 7. After Mary failed the examination she said she would study hard after that. She wanted to lock the barn door after the horse was stolen. 玛丽考试没及格,她说她一定努力学习,她要亡羊补牢。
来源: dj.iciba.com 8. GO to the police and tell what you have done. You should know the importance of locking the barn door after the horse was stolen. 到警察局去自首,你应该知道亡羊补牢的重要性。 来源: dj.iciba.com 9. "For once, we want to be ahead, not behind," said Dr Patrick Schmasch, the IOC's medical director. “就此一次,我们想未雨绸缪,而不是亡羊补牢。”ioc的医务主任帕特里克·施马斯克医生说。 来源: dj.iciba.com 10. You have made a good many terrible blunders, It is time for you to correct them.lt is better late than never. 你犯了许多大错,也该改了,有道是亡羊补牢不可破,犹未为晚。 来源: dj.iciba.com希望采纳
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