

05月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[人一生中至少要学会6种本领]人一生中至少要学会6种本领 1、学会宽容——宽容是一种高尚的品质,一个懂得宽容的人会营造出一片祥和友善的天空,他同样会受到人们的尊重和推崇。宽容别人,也是在宽...+阅读


T--teacher(老师) A.B.C.D.E--学生T:Good morning,everyone!A.B.C.D.E:Good morning,Mr.King!T:Today we are going to having a class meeting.A:What are we going to talk about?T:About where we are going for our trip.B:I want go to the zoo!Because I like animals,and I want to see the sharks from U.S.A!C:I don't like sharks.I like monkeys and elephants!D:I want see penguins from the South Pole.T:That is a very good idea.E:But when will we go?B:How about 9:00 a.m?T:OK!We can go there by bus.C.D:Do we need to buy something to eat?T:That is good!You can take what you like to eat.A.B.C.D.E:We will have a good time!T:Yes!Let's go!T--老师 A.B.C.D.E--学生们T:同学们,早上好!A.B.C.D.E:金老师,早上好!T:今天我们要开个班会.A:那我们谈论什么呢?T:谈论今天我们去哪里郊游.B:我想去动物园.因为我喜欢动物,而且我想看看从美国来的鲨鱼.C:我可不喜欢鲨鱼.我喜欢猴子和大象.D:我想看从南极来的企鹅.T:那真是一个好主意.E:我们什么时候走呢?B:上午9:00走怎么样?T:OK!我们可以座公交车到那里.C.D:我们需要买一些吃的吗?T:可以!你们可以带上你们想吃的东西.A.B.C.D.E:那样我们会度过一段快乐的时光.T:那我们就出发!


"Love is that first feeling you feel before all the bad stuff gets in the way." "When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You know that your name is safe in their mouth." "Love is what makes you smile when you're tired." "Love is hugging. Love is kissing. Love is saying no." "Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday." As everyone knows,love is very importantin our life...


4:Hi 2,long time no see 2:Hey 4,it's you ,long time no see. 4:How are you? 2:Fine ,thanks .and you? 4:I;m fine too.hey ,is that 3? 2:oh ,I can't believe my eyes ,that's 3 4&2:hey,3,come here 3:Oh my god ! 4:small world ,isn't it? 2:I thought You were in England . 4is for grade four,3 is for grade three 2 is for grade 2 3:So glad to meet you here,buddies. 4:what's new? 3:I'm so homesick ,so I returned. 2:we missed you ,too. 3:thanks.It's lunch time now,what about eating together? 4&2:why not ? 3:ok ,let's go .and it's on me.


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