1. I agree manners are importance on campus because especially you are in the diversity universities. where there are a lot of foriegn students or students from other areas. We don't know their cultural and customs, but we can be polite to them instead to be mean to them. 2. I think environment is more important than development, because if the students couldn't have the clean and neat learning condition, then we couldn't even talk about development since the students unable to learn what they suppose to learn from the school. So there will be no development exist if the studying environment is horrible. 3. The friendship just like a part of your body, you can't live without them, as we all know, no one is perfect. So we all do need help sometimes, and the students would going to be the first choice that we going for. Without them, we can hardly achieve one thing. As old saying, more friedns you made, and more routes you will get. 4. Everyone is seeking happiness, but that is one of the tought thing to achieve. because the happiness could only be with you at a moment and fly away, and you would still depressed with something bad news coming to you. All we can do for happiness is to be relax when bad news coming and solve it with better choice, and we still can live on happiness. 5. I somewhat agree silence is golden but is not neccessary true. Sometimes you really do need to speak out so other can hear you ideas and comments. Otherwise, no one will be able to read you mind. In reverse, sometimes you keep something silence because you don't want anyone to know about it, and the result will turn to be alternative for each one of us. 6. We do need heroes because they will do something no one even think about or want to do it. By having heroes, that would encourage our students or kids to do the same, and be one of person who admire the most. The heroes always done something big, and it will turn out to be bad or good for us. 看看行不,需要再加点什么的吗
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