

06月12日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[七年级英语作文 150字左右]What a nice day! Today is Sunday,I did all my homework yesterday,I plan to have a colorful day today! In the morning I get up early and have a big breakfast. In...+阅读


Dear sir,

Thanks for your response. But I am afraid that 4% reduction of the price you proposed in you previous mail is impossible. The price we have quoted is reasonable and competitive in the products of the same quality in international market. Please take it into consideration.

Best regards!



Our aim is always to provide our clients with the best combination of food, entertainment and location. By choosing A Cut Above, you can relax and enjoy your special occasion while we do all the work. Events catered for by A Cut Above include corporate functions such as conversations and Christmas balls and also family celebrations such as birthdays, weddings and anniversaries.


Dear XXX,

Thank you for the business.

We are highly appreciated your business and we value you as our great customer.

We'd like to know if there is anything or service you need us to provide in the future and if there is anything we need to change to make a higher service standard.

As our valued customer we are looking forward to keep contact with you and hope to have more business opptunities with you in the near future.

Thank you.

Best regards,




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