

07月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语伤感短句]英语伤感短句 1、I give you my heart, please don't also came back. 我把我的心给你了,请你不要再还回来了。 2、Or a person continue to lonely down,don't need anyone...+阅读


I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.


No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.


The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing

you can't have them.





As I look into your eyes

I see an angel in disguise

like Ive never been

here next to you near

and keep you by my side

Whenever i see you smile

Ill drop into a fairytale

Like a playful child

sleeping on the puffy cloud

Then the cloud disappeared

I fell all the way down to here

but you helped me to fight away my fears

I heard you whisper in my ear

all of the words i long to hear

of how youll always be

here next to me

to wipe away my tears.


26.God expects answers for the flowers he sends us, not for the sun the earth.


27.The light that plays, like a naked child, among the green leaves happily knows not that man can lie.


28.O Beauty, find thyself in love, not in the flattery of thy mirror.


29.My heart beats her waves at the shore of the world and writes upon it her signature in tears with the words, “I love thee.“


30.Moon, for what do you wait? To salute the sun for whom I must make way.



When falling in love, some lose their head, others lose their heart. 恋爱中的人,有疯狂的,有迷茫的。

Love is the only thing that holds the dark at bay. 唯有爱,可以把你心中的黑暗囚禁在角落里。

Women are meant to be loved, not to be understood. 女生是要来爱的,不是要被理解的哦。

Love me little, love me long. 爱在点点滴滴,在天长地久。

Comedy is tragedy plus time. 悲剧在时间之后就是喜剧。


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唯美伤感的英语句子1。如果只是遇见,不能停留,不如不遇见。 If we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other,then I wish we had never encountered. 2。宁愿笑着流泪,也...


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