Migration in the main economic reasons, such as poverty and unemployment, improve their lives, or to become rich, to seek success and so on. In addition, political, religious, cultural, and war and famine may lead to migration. Direct consequence of the performance of migration in the move out, move into the number of population, gender and age composition of the different effects. Immigrants in general more men than women, young children and the elderly population than migration. From indirect economic and social consequences of view, the move to reduce the population pressure and may be migrants remittances, but the workforce reduction, especially those with high educational level and skilled labor to move out, so move out to the upbringing, education costs are great losses. Of moving regions, due to increased population and labor force, economic benefit, but may also bring ethnic conflicts or other social problems....
My View on CollegeAs you step into the gate of college,great changes will take place on you.And these great changes are full of every aspects of your daily life. Take the study for a example.In the past,we studied under the pressure of the teachers and parents,but now,we study hare absolutely on ourselves for our future.Such is a typical example. We become independent when we enter the college in which we no longer rely on our parents.We plan everything on our own."What in next to do?"might be the most popular question. All in all,college can make the students to get in touch with the best part of human's civilization.Also is the joint place which lead students the way to society.Thus,it is essential....
My View on CollegeAs you step into the gate of college,great changes will take place on you.And these great changes are full of every aspects of your daily life.Take the study for a example.In the past,we studied under the pressure of the teachers and parents,but now we study here absolutely on ourselves for our future.Such is a typical example.We become independent when we enter the college,in which we no longer rely on our parents.We plan everything on our own."What should we do next in the college?"might be the most popular question.All in all,college can make the students get in touch with the best part of human's civilization.Also is the joint place which lead students the way to society.Thus,it is essential....
社会人口学?人口社会学population sociology 直面翻译就是人口社会学,但按中国习惯,一般叫做社会人口学。是社会学和人口学两者相互交融的边缘学科。 学术界对人口学与经济学、社会学的关系有不同的...
谁知道电气的安全距离国家对其的规定包括多高的电压国标对其规安全距离: 10KV电力线路与居民区及工矿企业地区的安全距离为6.5米; 非居民区,但是有行人和车辆通过的安全距离为5.5米; 交通困难地区的安全距离为4.5; 公路路面的安全距离7米; 铁...
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人口老龄化对个人和对社会的影响1、人口老龄化对劳动生产率的影响 人口老龄化不仅导致劳动适龄人口总量减少,同时导致劳动适龄人口的年龄结构趋于老化。而与人口老龄化相伴随的是人口出生率的下降,这降低了新...
求流动人口管理的定义定义 流动人口 ,是指离开户籍所在地的县、市或者市辖区,以工作、生活为目的异地居住的成年育龄人员。国外一般称为人口流动。流动与迁移是两种相似但又有区别的现象,流动人口与...
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